According to a survey featured on CNBC, a whopping eight out of ten Americans carry debt, and most end up taking that debt into their retirement. However, it’s important to note that not all debt is created equal. Student loans and mortgages, for instance, can open up new opportunities and be worth it in the long run. On the other hand, credit card debt can be incredibly costly and damaging due to high interest rates and the tendency to spend beyond our means.

This is where budgeting comes in. Contrary to popular belief, budgeting doesn’t mean depriving ourselves of enjoyment or surviving on beans alone. It simply means being aware of where our money is going, so we can make informed decisions about how to spend it each month. You can still treat yourself to that giant gnome decoration for your living room—as long as you budget for it.

To help you stay on track, here are eleven common expenses that might be ruining your budget:

1. That Morning Coffee

Did you know that the average American worker spends about $1,100 per year on coffee? That’s a lot of money! Instead of splurging at coffee shops every day, consider investing in a home coffee maker or treating yourself to a fancy Starbucks latte just once a week. You’ll be amazed at how much you can save by making this small change.

2. The Latest Phone

We often feel the pressure to keep up with the latest phone or gadget, even if our current one is still perfectly functional. Before you rush to buy a new phone and charge it on your credit card, take a step back and ask yourself if it’s truly necessary. Remember, it’s always better to stick to a budget and avoid unnecessary debt.

3. Hidden Fees On Your Card

Be mindful of hidden fees on your credit cards, such as ATM withdrawal fees or annual fees. There are so many credit card options available today that it’s unnecessary to pay extra. If you encounter any fees, don’t hesitate to call and negotiate with your credit card company—they might even waive the annual fee if you ask nicely!

4. Your Friends

It’s important not to let your friends and social life drain your budget. Splitting bills evenly among a group can be great for convenience, but it may not always be fair. If you feel uncomfortable speaking up in the moment, try to avoid situations where you might end up paying more than you can afford. Suggest more cost-efficient alternatives, like meeting for lunch instead of an expensive dinner.

5. Your Roommates

Living with roommates can be a budget drain if household expenses aren’t handled properly. If you’re always the one buying toilet paper or other essentials, it’s time to have a discussion with your roommates before moving in together. Set up a fair system where expenses are split equally, and consider using apps like Venmo to make it even easier.

6. A “Deal”

Beware of so-called “deals” that stores use to make you think you’re saving money. Often, these deals are just clever marketing tactics, and you end up spending more than you planned. Remember, a deal is never truly a deal if you have to finance it on your credit card and accumulate interest charges.

7. Cable

Cutting the cord on cable can save you a significant amount of money. With the variety of streaming services available today—Hulu, Netflix, AppleTV, and even free basic channels—there’s really no need to spend close to $100 on hundreds of channels you don’t even watch. Give your cable provider a call and say goodbye to unnecessary expenses.

8. Shipping

When shopping online, we often overlook the cost of shipping. It may seem small at first, but those shipping fees can add up quickly. Many stores offer the option to pick up items in-store, which can save you a decent amount of money. Always consider this alternative before clicking that “checkout” button.

9. Items You Could Have Brought on Vacation

It’s easy to forget to pack certain small items when going on vacation, such as sunscreen or toothpaste. However, buying these items at airports or resort gift shops can cost you a fortune due to inflated prices. Save yourself some cash by packing these essentials before you leave home.

10. Reward Purchases

When we start budgeting, we sometimes become too strict with ourselves. This can lead to “snapping” and making impulsive, extravagant purchases that we wouldn’t normally make. The key is to approach budgeting like a marathon, not a sprint. Start by cutting back on areas where you feel comfortable, and gradually work on other expenses as you build your willpower and bank account.

11. Name Brands

It’s time to let go of the belief that name brands are always superior. In reality, many generic or store-brand products are just as good as their more expensive counterparts. Items like cleaning sprays, first aid supplies, and toothpaste often have the same ingredients regardless of the label. By opting for off-brand products, you can save a considerable amount of money over time.

Budgeting doesn’t have to be a burden. By knowing where your money is going and avoiding unnecessary expenses, you can take control of your finances and achieve your financial goals. So, go ahead and make informed choices—it’s a game-changer for your budget and your future.

12. Make Smart Financial Choices

It’s essential to make smart financial choices when it comes to your budget. While some expenses may seem necessary or unavoidable, it’s important to evaluate whether they align with your financial goals. By being mindful of your spending habits and making informed decisions, you can stay on track with your budget and achieve financial stability. Remember, every small change makes a difference in the long run.