I have a real reward today. Top 11 Reasons why German Shepherds are the worst dogs. Seriously, I talk about their flaws all the time and why not have one, because let’s face it: even though they can be great pets, German Shepherds still have a lot of flaws.
Well, every dog breed has one. Unfortunately, these drawbacks can be a deterrent for many people considering owning a German Shepherd. It’s always best to consider both directions before getting a dog. Maybe one of the following reasons why German Shepherds are the worst bothers you so much that you decide you don’t want this breed at all.
1. Shedding Monsters

Gee, I wonder if German Shepherds shed?
Of course they do! German Shepherds are terrible shedders. These dogs spread dead hair all year round. Some even joke and say their shedding season is from January to June, and from July to December.
I would not recommend German Shepherds to people prone to dog-related allergies because they’re not hypoallergenic. In fact, they can make your allergies worse.
German Shepherds are also difficult to groom. They need daily brushing to keep their coat nice and shiny. Any tangles or matts would look so sad on a German Shepherd. You’ll need good brushes meant for a GSD’s coat, and lots of patience.
If you can’t commit to regular grooming, please don’t get a German Shepherd.
2. They Need Space
As you can see, German Shepherds are big dogs. They’re not as big as Newfoundlands or Kangals, but still… they require lots of space. Bringing them into a small home without a back yard would be a nightmare for both of you.
With up to 100 pounds and around 25 inches at the withers, German Shepherds are bulky and not gracious at all. If they move through a tiny, crowded place, they might knock over things and destroy everything.
It’s not only a matter of them destroying stuff. How would you feel if you ended up stuck in a small space all the time. Well, your GSD would feel exactly the same.
3. They’re Prone To Separation Anxiety

Despite their tough appearance, German Shepherds can be quite the sweethearts to their family. However, they’re not sweet to strangers or people outside their home. German Shepherds are protectors – not cuddlers by nature.
Thanks to their extreme loyal traits, German Shepherds get attached to their family members rather fast. Problems arise when you have to leave the home, and your GSD has to stay there alone.Separation anxiety is all too common with German Shepherds. They can catch it quickly and cause so many issues with their behavior. From refusing to eat food, to acting weirdly and doing things like eating poop, separation anxiety can hit them hard.
4. They Can Be Dangerous
German Shepherds aren’t a menace to society like some other dog breeds, but they can still be dangerous if not handled the right way.These dogs need proper socialization and training from early puppyhood. They must be trained in order to fit into society. An untrained and unsocialized German Shepherd could be dangerous to people who aren’t really a threat, even family members.German Shepherds have a strong bite. They might hurt you if they feel threatened or intimidated. Imagine being bitten by such a strong dog. It wouldn’t be pleasant at all. For your sake, and for the sake of people around you, if you’re not capable of providing adequate training and socialization to your German Shepherd, don’t get one at all.
5. They’re A Handful
With all the shedding, potential health problems, and being prone to separation anxiety, German Shepherds are a handful. I tell you… it’s not easy to own them. In most cases, they actually own you.
You must be prepared for the entire package because if someone says that having a German Shepherd around is all great and wonderful, it’s not. It’s demanding, tiring, and can be stressful.
6. They’re A Menace To New Furniture
As you know, German Shepherds can suffer from separation anxiety. One of the signs your GSD has it is destructive behavior. Given the fact that German Shepherds are big dogs, their destructive behavior can get serious.
Imagine the damage they’d cause on your furniture if they feel depressed. With such a strong bite force and killer instincts, your GSD can destroy pretty much anything.
If you want to have nice things, then owning a German Shepherd should not be on your list.
7. Legal Reasons
I’m sure you probably know that some states have laws against owning certain dog breeds. Those are called Breed-Specific-Legislations (or BSL). Fortunately, German Shepherds are not banned in any of the U.S. States.
However, certain countries do have German Shepherds banned because they believe they’re dangerous. Those counties are Ukraine, Maldives, Malaysia, Belarus, United Arab Emirates, Romania, etc.
The USA does not ban GSDs, but there are still laws you must obey. Check out the BSL in your area. Maybe you live in a State where going out without your dog wearing a muzzle is not an option. So, better check those laws before you decide you want a German Shepherd.
8. They’re Not The Healthiest Breed
Have you ever wondered what the average lifespan of a German Shepherd is? I’ll tell you, it’s not much…
Sadly, GSDs have a short lifespan. You can expect only 8 to 10 years from these boys and girls.
Why is that so?
Because these dogs don’t belong to the healthiest breeds. They’re quite prone to certain major health conditions. In most cases, German Shepherds suffer from hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, arthritis, degenerative myelopathy, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, etc.
These conditions can severely cripple your dog’s normal life, especially if they’re related to its mobility.
Owning a German Shepherd means you will have to have a budget for veterinary expenses so that you can take great care of your dog. Treating conditions like hip dysplasia can be pretty pricey.
9. They Can Be Pricey

Speaking of what’s pricey…
Did you know that German Shepherds can be quite pricey if you want dogs of good quality? Pet-quality German Shepherds aren’t super expensive. You can find them for around $1,500 or so. More on a GSD’s price here.
German Shepherds usually come in pet lines and in show lines. GSD show lines are some exceptional dogs, and it’s natural for them to cost more money. They have exceptional work ethics and incredible physical traits.
Yes, show-line GSDs are something special. Now, I’m not saying pet-quality dogs are not worth it… they are. However, if you want a safe background and tested dogs with top health status, you’ll have more luck with show-line German Shepherds.
10. They Can Be Quite Stubborn
One of the traits that might come as a downside is stubbornness. German Shepherds are genuinely wonderful, but they can be really stubborn. They simply want to have it their way, especially when they’re going through training.
The important thing is not to have a German Shepherd do everything to get his own way. Sometimes, they’ll be chasing squirrels like crazy. Sometimes, they’d want to follow a scent path that is different from the one you want to take.
Trust me… their stubbornness will shine through, and you’ll be thinking: how on Earth are they so strong-headed?
If you want a dog that’s rather calm and easy-going, without any outbursts of behavioral issues, then don’t get a GSD. Pick a Maltese instead.
11. They Want To Be In Charge
German Shepherds are naturally dominant dogs. They will want to be in charge, thanks to their stubbornness.
When training these dogs, you shouldn’t let them take over the lead. He’s not the alpha of the pack – you are. A German Shepherd that assumes the role of the alpha dog can be dangerous for you and your friends.
If you need help teaching your GSD how to obey you, there are lots of useful tips and tricks from professional dog trainers online. Either buy a training book or pay for professional training if you can’t manage it on your own.
To Sum Up…
Of course, the question, why are German Shepherds the worst dogs, is a bit out of place. No dog breed is the worst. There are good sides and bad sides to each dog breed.
The downsides I’ve listed about German Shepherds could be quite the dealbreakers. Keep them in mind when deciding if you want a German Shepherd as a pet or not.
Believe it or not, German Shepherds can be difficult to handle, and living with them can be stressful because they demand so much time and attention.
You have to decide whether you’re ready to live with a personality like a German Shepherd’s.