The abandonment of a mother.
Over ten years ago, a heartbreaking incident that left the people of Yaroslavl, Russia, in shock took place. A worried neighbor first noticed the baby crying coming from a nearby abandoned home. They first thought the cries were a passing noise, but soon realized that they continued the next day. The neighbors were extremely concerned because no one had been seen entering or leaving the empty house, and its lights were still dim.

The neighbors decided to call the police after growing increasingly concerned for the baby’s welfare. The police officers arrived at the house to find it empty, which they thought was strange. A helpless 1-year-old girl lying on the filthy floor was all that remained after the previous occupants vanished. The youngster, later identified as Liza Verbitskaya, had been abandoned and neglected for days. Liza’s parents had vanished without a trace, it became evident as the investigations progressed.

A guardian angel intervenes.
Liza was fortunate to receive a hospital admission, as she quickly made a full recovery. It was in this location that fate connected her with Inna Nika, an extraordinary woman. At the time, Inna was tending to her sick son, but she was unable to ignore the cries coming from the adjacent room. She was moved by an unfathomable maternal instinct that compelled her to look after and protect the orphan. From that point on, Inna made frequent trips to see Liza and showered her with affection, gifts, food, and clothing.

But young Liza’s destiny took an unexpected turn. During one of her visits, Inna learned that her cherished ward had been moved to an orphanage. Inna followed Liza to the orphanage, determined to be a constant in her life. There, she came to the decision that would change the course of her life: she would adopt Liza.

Overcoming difficulty.
Liza, now two years old, encountered many difficulties as the adoption paperwork was finalized. She had trouble chewing, and a history of trauma made her fearful of loud noises. Love and fortitude triumphed despite these difficulties. Despite being different from her adopted family due to her darker skin tone, Liza’s distinct beauty still shone through.

Liza developed into a remarkable person as she grew older. When she entered the world of modeling, her journey took an extraordinary turn. She became well-known across Russia thanks to her captivating tale and burgeoning career. When she won talent competitions as a teenager, the people who had once made fun of her appearance were speechless.

Resurfacing of a mother.
Unexpected encounters followed newly acquired fame. Curiosity and guilt combined with attempts to make contact led Liza’s biological mother to reach out. But Liza, now an adult, made the hard choice to curtail their interactions. She was left torn between opposing feelings and unsure of her readiness to confront the person who had abandoned her all those years earlier.

In all of this, we must honor Inna, the extraordinary adoptive mother who acted as a real hero in Liza’s life. A once-abandoned child’s life was transformed by Inna’s unwavering love and support, forever altering the course of her extraordinary destiny. The strength of resiliency and the unbreakable bonds created by love are demonstrated by Liza.

We may face impossible obstacles in life, but with faith and love, miracles are possible. Liza’s story serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the amazing strength of a mother’s unwavering love.