Dads always know what’s up, whether they’re letting the dad jokes fly without holding back or coming through with a cold beer and some sound advice when you’re having the crappiest day ever.

My father has always told me that no goal is too absurd or outlandish for me to accomplish.

He has always provided me with a supportive shoulder to cry on, and whenever I run into him after a long absence, he always greets me with open arms.

It goes without saying that this one is for you, Dad.

Here are 18 things you only know to be true if your dad is your best friend, in honor of Father’s Day and my dad, who is the coolest dude in town.

Any guy you invite home to meet the family needs to have his approval.

You have talked your dad up so much that he is terrified to meet your boyfriend.

He never stops telling dad jokes, either, so they will never get old.

4. You always think it would be a great idea to go out for pizza and drinks with Dad.
5. You low-key pick out Dad’s clothes so he won’t commit a fashion faux pas.
6. You learned everything there is to know about NASCAR, classic rock, and muscle cars from him because, well, duh.
7. You laugh out loud at the same movie scenes that no one else in the theater finds funny at the same time.
8.  The TV shows you watch are the same.
9..You can always count on Dad to deliver clutch advice.

10. You want to learn everything there is to know about his passions.

11. Along with your mom, Dad’s your number one cheerleader.

You wouldn’t want your father to be any other way, even though he can occasionally be overly cheesy and corny.

13. Your guy friends are his friends. For real though, he’s casually a member of your squad more than you are.

14. He knows all the right things to do (pizza, please) and say when you’re down in the dumps.

15. He makes it known that the guy who broke your heart is a complete and utter piece of sh*t.

16. He’s the first person you hit up when you have an extra ticket to the Yankees game.

17. He’s also the first person you call when you’re having car troubles, or if something in your apartment breaks.

18. Even though you want to roll your eyes at times when he wants to talk some sense into you, you know he’s right.