Owning a dog is fun and exciting, but there are some caveats. One of them is that the dog suffers from abdominal pain and passes very soft stools. But how to treat diarrhea in dogs? It depends on the shape and color of the chair when it comes out.
Many factors play a role, and diarrhea can indicate more than just an upset stomach. Especially since diarrhea is often a symptom of many potential health problems. Now, most cases are relatively mild and resolve within a day or two, but not all cases are mild. This is why we are here today.
It can be a bit harsh at times, so this is a clear content warning. Now let’s get to the heart of the matter.
1. Leave her alone

dog poop on the park lawn
Starting with mild cases, the problem will resolve within a day or two, unless your dog has diarrhea, which is all too common.
Make sure you have something nearby to clean up in case you have an accident at home so it doesn’t soak into the fabric. If your dog can go outside, he or she can also graze to get extra fiber to keep his tummy in shape.
- 2. Go back to your old diet
dog eating food from bowl at home
If the diarrhea appeared immediately after switching to a new food brand, the problem may be that you rushed the process and did not adapt yet.

In this case, allow the person to eat the previous food again until the stomach settles. At that point, try the new food again, making sure to keep the pace right this time.
3. Follow a monotonous diet

The dog eats food from a bowl
It’s not a new diet, but if you’ve been on a bad diet before, it’s best to go for a light and easy-to-digest diet. White rice, grilled chicken, pasta, boiled potatoes, whatever my dog can do, I’ll eat if the run is a little longer.
When it comes to potatoes, it’s best to consult your vet first. This is because potatoes can be toxic to some dogs and can make their condition worse. In some cases, you may need to stop feeding your dog and drink only water for a day or so to give your dog time to absorb more food.
So start eating slowly and see what happens before continuing. In any case, it’s best to call your vet first and describe the diarrhea in person to determine the severity of the problem.
If it’s really important, they might tell you to check it, otherwise you’ll have to make the decision above. 4. Veterinarian’s recommendation
doctor examining dog in x-ray room
If the problem is more serious and you are asked to take your dog to the vet, more x-rays will be taken to determine the cause of the problem. If the cause is serious enough, we will prescribe your dog medication to treat the problem and probiotics to help restore the intestinal flora.
Does this explain the diarrhea? Veterinarian and client discuss dog and treatment.
This can be a very tiring and disgusting task, but it has to be done because going to the vet to get a stool sample can be a waste of time and money for both you and the vet. Get all the details you can. Color, consistency, shape (if any), lumps of stool, blood, mucus, or anything else that seems odd. Also check how often the diarrhea occurs and if other symptoms such as lethargy, pain or dehydration are present in addition to the diarrhea.
All of this information is important for the veterinarian to assess the severity of the problem and whether to treat it at home or take the dog to the vet. What are the most common causes of diarrhea in dogs?
Labrador retriever dog poo in the park
There are various causes of indigestion. Let’s look at the soft types first.
eating spoiled food
Mild allergic reaction to certain food ingredients
Change your diet quickly
Consumption of non-food products
These are all relatively mild symptoms and are considered symptoms that will disappear within a few days after the problem is cleared from the system.
There should be no symptoms other than the diarrhea itself. Diarrhea can be self-inflicted as the dog tries to expel the bad food from itself by grazing to irritate the stomach and stimulate elimination.
If you find undigested grass or green poop even after you’ve had diarrhea, this is probably the case. RELATED: 7 Causes of Diarrhea in German Shepherds and How to Help
More serious cases are much rarer but different.
bacterial or viral infection
A severe allergic reaction to certain food ingredients
Problems related to immune system disorders
Liver, gall bladder or heart problems
bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract
colon cancer
It is often accompanied by severe symptoms.
Lethargy is often present, followed by loss of appetite and frequent and severe diarrhea. Vomiting can also occur, which doubles the risk of dehydration and practically requires a trip to the vet.
Depending on the cause of the problem, the color of the stool may change. Gallbladder problems can cause stool to turn green or gray.
If there is mucus in the stool, the problem may be that your dog has scratched the lining of the stomach, which is not good and requires immediate medical attention. Finally, if the stool is black and black, it can indicate upper gastrointestinal bleeding and the risk of cancer.
SEE ALSO: Diarrhea in dogs at night: why does it happen? in the end
Treating diarrhea in dogs is a simple matter, as the problem usually resolves on its own.
You should be concerned if your dog still has diarrhea, looks lethargic, sick, has no appetite or is vomiting after the first 48 hours. If there are abnormalities in the stool, such as a different color, traces of blood, or a resin-like consistency, it is also a cause for concern.
In either case, be sure to contact your dog’s veterinarian and explain the problem. We will guide you through the following steps. Do not worry. Diarrhea is often a painful symptom, but the treatment is effective. If you pay attention, your dog will do well. Furniture and carpets may not perform well.
Until next time, pet parents.