Unfortunately, not all puppies have a smooth childhood without major problems. In addition to stray dogs that spend most of their lives in inhumane conditions, there are also dogs that suffer animal abuse. One such shocking example occurred in Union County, South Carolina. There, the owner of a dog named Asher was the victim of animal abuse by Tyler Austin Jerdo.

A 5-month-old puppy was rescued after its owner kicked a bathroom door. When rescuers were called and arrived at the scene, they couldn’t believe what they saw…

Despite his illness, he was kind

dog with injured hand

Asher was in bad shape when the police entered Jerdo’s apartment. He was locked in the bathroom with Usher. The door was barricaded with a new bathtub and air conditioning, but the police were able to get inside.

When they entered the bathroom, they saw the horrifying sight of the dog tied to the bathroom door. At the same time, Asher bathed in paint.

To help him, one of the screws had to be drilled, and the other was so deep that it had to be removed with a dog. girl licking dog

It is not yet known why Gerdo committed such a heinous crime, but police suspect he was under the influence of powerful drugs at the time. He was immediately arrested and the puppy was taken to the Union County Animal Shelter in South Carolina. dog taking a bath

Despite his pain, Asher immediately showed kindness to his rescuers. After removing the bolt from his paw, his tail wagged and he felt much calmer after a refreshing bath. But one of his legs was in much worse shape than the shelter staff had expected. Holly Wise said she had to take the dog to a specialist because the shelter couldn’t properly treat his injuries.

The sober owner demanded prosecution.

The dog locked the bathroom door

Usher’s owner, Jerdo, was charged with resisting arrest, animal cruelty and possession. He was also refused immediate bail. He had a history of drug and marijuana use and was struggling to recover, according to his mother.

the dog is lying on the bed

Enjoy life with your caregiver

A beautiful dog draws to his master

Union County AS was unable to provide adequate care for this boy and he was transported to Rescued In SC in Charleston. She was not yet ready for adoption as she had to go through a slow and gradual recovery process.

He had surgery on his leg and is already feeling much better! In addition to hugging his caregivers and flashing his beautiful smile, Asher loves swimming in the pool and hanging out with his foster brother, Lazlo!

two dogs lying on the sofa

Once fully recovered, he will be adopted and on his way to his perfect home. After all it’s been through, it’s definitely worth it!