Our dogs are part of our family and we always want to be with them. Nothing would be the same without our best friends. James Wathen had no choice but to part ways with his beloved and loyal dog, Bubba.

The sudden separation was painful for both of them, but their love and strong bond brought them back to each other’s arms. Here is their story. Bubble James Wathen has always had a soft spot for his eight-year-old one-eyed Chihuahua, Bubba.

He never wanted to lose her.

It was Bubba who helped the grieving Precious Pomenari after crossing the Rainbow Bridge. Dennis Elswick was raised by Wathen and knew Wathen needed another furry friend, so he gave the dog to his wife, Bubba.

As Bubba moved on, Elswick’s other dog, Ozzy, sadly went missing. He missed his best friend. After learning that Wathen broke Ozzy’s heart, he accepted Diana’s offer to take Ozzy home. The two dogs were very happy to see each other again.

Their faces shone with joy.

All three lived together in Wathen’s house. Unfortunately, 2014 was a difficult year for both Wathen and Bubba. In March, we had to say goodbye to Ozzy, who had gone to heaven. Losing him brought them closer together. Because now they were all separated.

In mid-September 2014, Wathen was diagnosed with a terminal illness and was admitted to Baptist Health Corbin in Corbin, Kentucky.

I miss his best friend. While in the hospital, she often thought of her beloved dog, Bubba. She didn’t know where he was and she missed him so much. Nothing made him happier than seeing his dog. As soon as they heard this, the hospital staff started looking for their dog.

They wanted to feel better. Wathen’s condition worsened. He had no choice but to stop eating and whisper. After doing some research, they found Bubba. He was placed at the Knox-Wheatley Animal Shelter and is currently in foster care. The shelter contacted Bubba’s foster family, who immediately agreed to release Bubba to his owners.

Bubba also had a rough time.

He stopped eating, missing his master. meeting The day has finally arrived when Waten and Bubba meet. Bubba was taken to the hospital. The nurses wrapped him in a baby blanket. He was very sad and shaken.

“The minute we got about 20 steps from this guy’s room… his little head went up. His eyes got real bright and he was like a different dog,” shelter president Mary Ann Smyth said.

Both Wathen and Bubba were brought to life, and they were no longer sad.

A couple of days later, Bubba visited his owner again. The hospital staff was happy to see Wathen sitting in his bed after a long time.

“When Bubba was brought to James, he began to weep, and then Bubba began to snuggle James, and it makes you realize that animals are not just pets, but loved ones,” Deanna Myers, Director of the Knox Whitley Animal Shelter, wrote on Facebook.

Both Wathen and Bubba were so happy to see each other. Bubba was carried to his owner’s hospital bed. His tail wagged as he licked his face, and Wathen stroked him and played with him.

His beloved dog’s second visit made him feel content and he started eating and talking. Loyal Bubba continued visiting his loving human until he passed away in November 2014.

After receiving the sad news about Wathen’s passing, the Elswicks took their dear Bubba with them to Florida. They were happy that their precious Chihuahua brought so much joy to his beloved owner.

It was time for Bubba to start a new life with his forever family… a life filled with happiness that he deserved.