Facebook/Odessafive Oksana and Sergey had decided that two children would be the ideal number for their family, and they had never intended to expand it. The couple agreed that they simply did not have the resources to support more children.

However, Oksana was aware that she was expecting more than one child from the moment she found out she was pregnant. She was unable to help but notice that something was different.

“No one had ever given birth to twins in our family. I was certain I would never go through anything like this, Oksana tells the German news outlet Heftig. However, this was only the beginning, and a bigger surprise remained to be unveiled. Facebook/Odessafive Oksana noticed the doctor scowling as she entered the ultrasound room for her appointment. She then soon learned some amazing news.

Historic pregnancy leaves everyone in the delivery room speechless
Facebook/Odessafive The doctor then said: “I can see five fetuses, maybe six.
When I saw the shock on the doctor’s face, my heart stopped for a second,” Oksana says. “Then I heard him mumble something along the lines of: ‘You deserve to have a big house by the sea…'”. It’s challenging to determine. In fact, Oksana was carrying five children.

Historic pregnancy leaves everyone in the delivery room speechless

This is extremely uncommon, as you can probably guess. Only one pregnancy out of every 47 458 321 ends in quintuplets. The doctor ran wildly around the hospital while Oksana was still trying to process the news. There was nothing similar that anyone at the hospital had ever seen. Facebook/Odessafive However, it wasn’t all happy faces for Oksana and Sergey. The experience, in Oksana’s words, “almost felt like a nightmare, as though I would wake up at any second.”.

Historic pregnancy leaves everyone in the delivery room speechless

She and her husband worried uncontrollably because they understood that they would have to reevaluate all of their future plans. “This kind of news requires time to process. Sergey, the husband, says, “I mean, how would we manage to take care of so many kids. Facebook/Odessafive In her 30th week of pregnancy, Oksana visited the hospital to get ready for giving birth. She found 8 doctors waiting for her when she entered the delivery room.

Historic pregnancy leaves everyone in the delivery room speechless

The way they treated her, Oksana claims, “was like she was made of porcelain. Facebook/Odessafive Oksana underwent a C-section to give birth to three boys and two girls. The doctors were ready for the worst because there are significant risks associated with this type of pregnancy. But once it was all over, the medical professionals could vouch for the fact that five healthy, content babies had been born, albeit a little prematurely.

Historic pregnancy leaves everyone in the delivery room speechless

Daria, Alexandra, Denis, Vladislav, and David of the Facebook/Odessafive Babies instantly rose to fame. The babies have now reached the age of three. According to The Mirror, the babies were the first quintuplets to be born in Ukraine, making the birth historic.

On Tuesday, May 28, 2019, Odessa Five published a post.

Historic pregnancy leaves everyone in the delivery room speechless

Taking care of such a large family seems to be a challenge that Oksana and Sergey have accepted.

People enthusiastically stop and greet them wherever they go, enthralled by the infants.

On Tuesday, April 9, 2019, Odessa Five published a post.

The family recently relocated to a larger apartment, with the assistance of the local government.

Historic pregnancy leaves everyone in the delivery room speechless
What does demonstrative medicine say?
Ask everyone you meet about your problems with knuckles, toilets, and other issues (one of the causes being your age)…Posted by Odessa Five on Tuesday, September 24, 2019.

Oksana posts images of their “five treasures” and the adorable big sister of the quintuplets on her Instagram page. Ain’t they adorable?

Historic pregnancy leaves everyone in the delivery room speechless

Вот выходные только начинаются, а бабушка уже скучает по садику😉. There were numerous inquiries about the “candy” but nobody was able to write them down, according to Odessa Five on July 27, 2019.

With so much love in their lives and the support of thousands of strangers, I’m sure they’ll be just fine, even though things didn’t quite turn out the way this family had hoped.

“Когда 37-летняя Оксана узнала, что снова ждет ребенка, она была очень рада. Together with her father, ере ксаna, she went on a journey. Posted on January 1, 2020, by Odessa Five.

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