Typically, when we think of twins, we find it difficult to tell them apart, but for British sisters Lucy and Maria Aylmer, this has never been the case. In fact, these two constantly have to prove to others that they are identical twins. To prove they were even sisters, much less twins, the now 24-year-old sisters frequently had to present their birth certificates.

When Donna Aylmer found out she was having twin girls in 1997, she sobbed with joy. She did, however, take a serious look at her new twin girls after the delivery. One of them, named Lucy, had red hair, blue eyes, and a fair complexion with freckles. With brown skin, brown eyes, and dark curly hair, Maria was the second person.

 Twin girls born with different skin colors have to prove they’re siblings, even to their friends

Meet the sisters who “couldn’t look more different if they tried,” as the saying goes.
They are black and white twins.
These two adolescent girls are… Posted on March 2, 2015, by Beautiful Interracial Relationships.

Lucy and Maria, both from Gloucester, England, were born to mixed-race parents; while Lucy has straight red hair, a fair skin tone, and blue eyes, her twin Maria has dark skin, brown eyes, and curly hair. One set of white twins and one set of black twins were born to their father Vince, who is white, and half-Jamaican mother Donna in January 1997.

 Twin girls born with different skin colors have to prove they’re siblings, even to their friends

According to Lucy, her mother was shocked when she and her sister were born.

She was unaware of our extreme differences, therefore. She said, as reported by the Daily Mail, “When the midwife handed us both to her she was just speechless.”. Three of the twins’ older siblings, according to Lucy, have skin tones similar to Maria’s and hers. My grandmother, however, shares my very fair English rose complexion. “, cites Lucy. Nobody has ever thought we are twins, she continued. We don’t even look like twins, let alone sisters, even when we dress similarly. Our birth certificates have even been demanded by friends as proof. ”.

While many people, including mother Donna, were perplexed by the entire situation, the scientific explanation is fairly straightforward. According to the BBC, there is a 1 in 500 chance that twins born to biracial parents will have different skin tones. Lucy and Maria are fraternal twins, which means that two different eggs were fertilized by two different sperm. Mother Donna’s genes, which include both light and dark features, caused one twin to have pale skin and the other to have darker skin. When Lucy and her sister were 7 years old, they told their mother they didn’t want to wear the same clothes, Lucy recalled in an interview with Good Morning Britain.

The Aylmer Twins on February 4, 2018: “Paying attention!!”.

Regrettably, Lucy’s upbringing was particularly difficult as a result of their differences in race. Lucy claims, “They thought I was adopted and called me a ghost. For her part, Maria wished she had grown up to be more like Lucy. I used to cry quite a bit.
Curly hair was mine.
She says, “I wanted my sister’s gorgeous red hair.

Both of them have distinctive personalities; Maria is the outgoing one and studied law and psychology at Cheltenham College, while Lucy studied art and design at Gloucester College.

But first, let’s take a selfie. Published on August 20, 2015, by The Aylmer Twins.

Maria was gregarious, whereas I was the introverted one, Lucy said. However, Maria enjoys bragging about having a white twin to her college friends, and I’m very happy to have a black twin. The two are as close as twins can be despite being so very different from one another. With pride, they have grown to love their differences as well as one another.
They are best friends.
Maria beams, “If I have kids someday, they might look like Lucy.”.

The Aylmer Twins published on Friday, February 1, 2019.

According to the twin girls, their bond only gets stronger as they age. I believe they still share the same lovely smile, even though they no longer dress the same and have different outward appearances. Despite some setbacks, it’s so wonderful to see these two lovely young women today. They also serve as evidence that the inside really does matter.

Despite the many rumors about their relationship over the years, these two are not only stunningly attractive but also share a unique bond that no one can sever.