It’s a sad reality that many dogs who enter animal shelters are underweight and malnourished. It hurts me to see animals struggling until they are almost unable to stand. While others cower in fear when a rescuer approaches, some animals still show affection and trust for humans despite their neglect. Sometimes, it’s difficult to imagine what the latter have gone through. I personally can’t picture ever wanting to hurt an animal. Additionally, I just don’t understand why anyone would find any enjoyment in doing so.

In spite of this, I believe dogs have a sixth sense about who is good and who is bad. People who work with animals will appreciate how crucial it is to let a creature who has experienced neglect make the first move. It’s natural to want to pet and play with a dog to let it know you mean no harm, but this isn’t always the best approach.

Some people can’t understand how a dog that has witnessed abuse could be taken by surprise by an utter stranger. An abandoned mixed-breed dog named Edie was just hours away from being euthanized. It had been a very, very long time since anyone had taken care of her, and she was terrified of people. She was severely undernourished and had unkempt fur.

To give Edie a second chance, it took a true animal lover. It’s challenging to watch the video’s opening scene. Edie doesn’t even know what to do with herself because of her extreme fear. She yells at the man she sees as a threat, shaking her entire body as she does so. But in the end, the man in the video is able to capture Edie and prevent her from escaping. He is now free to approach her. After that, a trust pact forms quickly. Edie starts to realize that his goal is to assist her rather than cause her harm. When she realizes she won’t be humiliated any longer, you almost feel like you can see it.

Watch the video below to see Edie’s response after realizing she has been saved.

Let’s take a moment to express our gratitude to those who spend their entire lives serving the needs of animals. Without you, the world would be a much worse place for our kind-hearted canine companions. Share this video so that more people can witness Edie’s amazing transformation.