According to Canadian news outlet CBC, the peculiar finding was made by friends Jaydon Pettipas and Aidan Hart in the Canadian town of Saint Andrews in New Brunswick. Before the day was over, the two teenage boys would be hailed as heroes for their deeds.

They had to investigate what had made the people stop and stare when they spotted a group of them huddled together. However, they were unsure of what they were seeing even up close. The animal appeared to be frozen solid and was hardly recognizably alive.

A before and an after.
This little guy will survive thanks to Jaydon and Aiden.
Posted by St. On Monday, May 20, 2019, George Veterinary Clinic.

Under a car, a squirrel was imprisoned and covered in foam insulation.
They were aware that it was close to death.
15-year-old Jaydon told CBC Canada, “There was nothing recognisable about it.”.
The boys entered a grocery store and took a small milk crate to use as a shelter for the squirrel because they knew it needed assistance but were unsure of how to provide it.
The situation grew more urgent as time went on and nobody nearby could help the boys.

The boys made calls to friends and family asking for help.
When Jaydon’s mother intervened, she called a 20-mile-away veterinary facility and was instructed to bring the animal in right away.

Teenagers find “frozen” creature stuck under car, rushes it to the vet who can’t believe her eyes
“Before” and “After.”. Thanks to Jaydon and Aiden, this little guy is going to be alright. ❤️Posted by St. George Veterinary Clinic on Monday, May 20, 2019.

“I had never seen anything like this before,” Dr. Melanie Eagan, from St. George Veterinary Clinic said. She said the squirrel was so encrusted in the insulation foam, it could only move its back legs slightly.

“Before” and “After”. This little guy is going to be fine thanks to Jaydon and Aiden. Posting by St. George Veterinary Clinic on Monday, May 20, 2019.

If the boys had not acted so quickly and the boys’ mother hadn’t helped them to bring the squirrel in, then it may not have survived. The animal may have been living in someone’s garage, basement, or shed when it became entangled in the material, the veterinarian surmised. “Become in distress” “Someone was probably patching up a hole trying to keep a draft out and this little guy ran through it when it was still wet,” she said.

The squirrel has since been released back into the wild. Photo: Facebook/St. George Veterinary Clinic Thankfully these two kind-hearted teenagers acted quickly and was able to save this poor creature! Please share to pay tribute to their efforts