Beata Bienias and her husband Powell were adamant that it might never happen when they tried and failed to conceive for eight years. Beata was found to have polycystic ovarian syndrome, which can make getting pregnant difficult. She was also overweight, so doctors suggested that she try to lose weight.

But nothing changed, even after I shed 70 pounds.

As of Sunday, November 15, 2015, Beata Bienias has posted.

As a last resort, the couple eventually turned to IVF. Beata and Powell disregarded the doctors’ advice and had sex on Beata’s birthday despite their warnings from the medical professionals not to.

Beata was shocked to learn that the doctors had successfully implanted the embryos, and a short while later she learned that she was pregnant. Little did she know that she was in for a huge surprise when she went for her sonogram. Beata and her partner had been praying that at least one of the embryos would survive, but they still went to the sonogram with apprehension in their hearts. She and her husband were looking forward to their first prenatal scan as they arrived at the doctor’s office. A startling turn awaited them as the ultrasound technician meticulously examined the scan. The technician turned to Beata’s husband and gently invited him to take a seat while maintaining a serious expression.

What the technician was about to tell them, it turned out, would forever alter their lives. Beata’s pregnancy was fine. triplets instead of just one child.

posted on December 20th, 2018 by Beata Bienias.

Beata said, “We were both in shock and just wondering who put [three babies] there, we looked [at] the monitor with disbelief. “I called my mother right away, and as I did, I broke down in tears and said, ‘There are three inside me. However, there was a surprise that was even bigger waiting around the corner. The twins were naturally conceived because it was discovered that only one of the embryos had implanted.

“This is so ironic after trying for so long, and when we got the treatment, we conceived naturally,” said Beata. Despite being unusual, Beata’s phenomenon is not unheard of. While receiving IVF treatment and having an implanted embryo take, a woman is still capable of becoming pregnant naturally.

Mum has twins via IVF but later learns she was already carrying three childrenA woman who…Posted by Penpoint Review Media on January 21, 2019.

At 34 weeks pregnant and in perfect health, Beata gave birth to Amelia, Matylda, and Borys. All three were able to leave the hospital after just one week. It can be challenging and difficult, but it’s more than worthwhile, claims Beata.

“I’m exhausted from the previous night, but looking into these little ones’ faces makes my heart melt. ”.

Posting date: September 29, 2019, by Beata Bienias.
