Do you consider the girl’s response to be appropriate?

When they were just 5 and 9 years old, Kris and Daisy were left by their mother Misty. The two kids discovered their mother had abruptly left one morning when they awoke, leaving their father Jim to care for the kids alone. Jim contacted The Oprah Winfrey Show in search of suggestions on how to be a better single parent to his two young children.

Mom Abandons Kids After Divorce – Things Escalate When They Reunite 7 Years Later

In 2007, Winfrey invited the family to appear on her show after Jim’s tale apparently struck a chord with her. The kids worked with a psychotherapist to address their emotions surrounding their mother’s absence during this poignant episode, and Daisy read a heartbreaking letter outlining how she felt. Kris, on the other hand, concentrated on keeping his tears back.

For a very long time, Winfrey was troubled by the effects that divorce and absent parents can have on kids. She stated on her website that the lessons she learned from Kris and his sister Daisy that day “broke me wide open on what it means to be a child of divorce.”.

“Those two brave little people taught me about the incalculable harm being done to millions of kids whose parents are divorcing. ”.

Nearly seven years later, at Daisy’s request, Oprah facilitated her mother and daughter’s reunion. But it wasn’t quite the joyful reunion that mother Misty had anticipated.

Misty starts crying as soon as Daisy enters the room. The young teen is supported during her big moment by Winfrey and her counselor Jan, who are with her. At one point, Winfrey asks Daisy why she brought them here on this particular day.

Without missing a beat, the young girl turns to her mother and confidently states, “Because I deserve an apology. ”.

“You came there for no reason at all. ”.

“I have nothing but awful memories of you. ”.

I don’t understand what you did to my family. ”.

“My brother starts crying because he can’t enter because of you. It’s your fault, and I don’t mean that in a rude way. ”.

The reunion wasn’t what you might have expected after such a long time apart, but in the end, Daisy gained the support of people all over the world who praised her for her maturity and believed she had a valid reason for her response.