Gwyneth Paltrow Shares Advice for Women in Their 20s: ‘Do Not Be Afraid to Say No’

Young women should heed the wise counsel of Gwyneth Paltrow.

The 50-year-old actress answered fan questions in an open Q&A on her Instagram Story on Saturday, including one asking for advice for women in their twenties.

Please don’t be afraid to refuse requests, she pleaded.
Set boundaries without hesitation, please.
Do not be afraid to offend people’s sensibilities, please.

Put yourself and what’s best for you ahead of what’s comfortable for other people, Paltrow said as she continued to speak to her twentysomething female followers and whose daughter, Apple Martin, is getting close to that age. “.

Gwyneth Paltrow Shares Advice for Women in Their 20s: ‘Do Not Be Afraid to Say No’

Shakespeare in Love star said the question was “such a great question,” which was posed by another fan who asked her to share the last thing that “truly lit [her] up.”. ”.

The mother of two continued by revealing that, aside from her children, “who truly say and do things all the time that explode my heart and put light in my eyes,” the last thing that made her smile was a Paris exhibition featuring pieces by Claude Monet and Joan Mitchell.

She said, “Seeing shows like that that are so thoughtfully curated… I know it sounds corny, but I think that was the thing that surprised me most recently that really lit me on fire.”.

Gwyneth Paltrow Shares Advice for Women in Their 20s: ‘Do Not Be Afraid to Say No’

The Emma actress provided succinct answers to other fan questions, such as “What is the one quick and easy health switch you’d recommend?” — quitting processed foods — and “Your first star crushes?” — Kenanu FOREVER. ”.

Naturally, the wellness expert answered a number of queries about health.

Paltrow acknowledged that she too experienced a “really rough” time during the first trimester of her pregnancy when a follower asked for advice on how to get through it.

She replied, “I wish more people had told me how difficult it can be. “I had a lot of people in my life who were like, ‘I feel amazing pregnant,'” and I felt so awful. The best part is, I can’t even begin to tell you how much it is worth it, but I’m hoping it happens in the second trimester.
The Mayo Clinic describes menopause as “the time that marks the end of your menstrual cycles,” listing possible symptoms such as hot flashes, disrupted sleep, lower energy, and impacted emotional health.
When a fan asked the Goop founder how she deals with menopause, she gave a painfully honest response.

I’m not able to deal, she said. “SOMEONE, PLEASE HELP ME AND US LADIES, GOOD LORD. “.

Gwyneth Paltrow Answers Fans Questions on Instagram, Including One About Menopause: ‘I Can’t Deal’

The businesswoman was questioned about the “best way to relax and switch off” after disclosing that she has been using the Tracy Anderson Method “for over 20 years.”. “Paltrow responded in silence, playing a low-light clip of herself unwinding in a candlelit bath.