The emotional song “I Called Mama” from Tim McGraw’s latest album, Here On Earth, has caused his mother to have a “complete meltdown,” the singer has admitted.

In a brand-new interview, Tim exclusively revealed to Smooth Country that the song dedication had his mother in tears, and that her picture now serves as the music’s cover art.

Tim, 53, also shared the guidance his mother Betty Trimble has given him over the years.

Tim admitted to Smooth Country, “My mom has given me a lot of advice, whether I wanted it or not.”. She has provided me with a lot of advice, and she still does. ”.

But my mother and I have always been very close. I sent it to her for the first time. She is a masterpiece. My mother is depicted on the single’s cover in a high school photo, just before she learned about me. ”.

“However, after sending her the song, all I received in return were sad emojis. Therefore, I knew I shouldn’t call her because I knew she would freak out when she heard the song. ”.

And that song changed for us in a different way because, when we first recorded it, it was undoubtedly about something that hit you hard in life and turning to your backbone and stabilizing forces. Most people’s mothers are the ones who fit that description. It most definitely is for me. ”.

But as the world changed and we were mixing and finishing the song, he explained to Smooth Country’s Rory O’Connor, “it really became about a much bigger thing.”.

When things seem out of control and the world seems to be spinning out of control, “it came down to, who are the people in your life you can lean on in times like this?”. Who are the people you can trust?

More importantly, I think it made you think about who those people are and whether you could be there for them in difficult times.

In 2020, Tim acknowledged that it would be more difficult to release an album, but he also said, “Fortunately, we’d gotten most of it done. Just before the lockdown started, we finished recording the final sections of two or three songs that we had just finished recording. ”.