When you see these adorable Brazilian brothers interacting with one another, you’ll smile.

It’s touching to see the two of them crying over their mutual affection and cuddling. They were both able to communicate their appreciation for one another through a simple cake slice.

The brothers serve as a constant reminder that, as we age, family love also includes a sense of humor. The memories of disagreements that turned out to be true friendships help us grow as people and bring a smile to our faces every time we think about them.

There will always be awkwardness in a family when discussing their true feelings for one another. Siblings, especially those who are close in age, may occasionally quarrel about trivial matters, but they always stand up for one another when it counts.

This endearing pair of brothers demonstrate how much they care for one another by adhering to a Brazilian family tradition that stipulates that the person you love the most should receive the first slice of cake.

It is obvious that the two brothers are very similar given their positive relationship. It appears from the video that his younger brother has complete faith in his older brother, as evidenced by the way he acts around him.