Cop provides exceptional service to a bear family in need.

Trooper Thomas Owens of the Carroll Police Department in New Hampshire got a call about a family of black bears attempting to cross a road, but he wasn’t prepared for the endearing experience that would follow. Four cubs and their mother appeared to be having difficulty crossing.

The mama bear was pacing back and forth on the road when Trooper Owens arrived at the scene. It was soon obvious that something was wrong. The Carroll Police Department was already aware of this bear family’s particular situation.

The department wrote on Facebook, “This is the mother who had five cubs out in Bretton Woods.”. They had to step in and save one of her young just the previous day. A sickly and frail cub, unable to keep up with its mother and siblings, was a small bear.

Bears typically only have two or three cubs at a time, so having five is extremely unusual. The department reported that this was only the second known incident in New Hampshire. It was obvious how much the mother bear loved her cubs and wanted to keep them all together.

The mother bear was trying to cross the road with her four remaining cubs, but one of them was being obstinate and wouldn’t budge. She made a valiant effort to persuade the cub to follow, but it was obvious that the baby was too weak and ill to do so.

Trooper Owens was aware that he needed to intervene. He decided to do something after making sure everyone was safe. Fish and Game needed to receive one bear cub for rehabilitation, so the department said, “After doing some bear traffic control.”. This would give the sick cub a chance to get better and eventually be reunited with its family.

The mother bear, with a heavy heart, decided to leave the sick cub behind and go on with the other three cubs. The weak cub was carefully picked up by Trooper Owens, who made sure it received the necessary care. The mother bear was able to concentrate on her other cubs because of his quick thinking and compassion, knowing that her sick cub was in good hands.

The kindness and commitment of Trooper Owens to this bear family is truly admirable. It serves to serve as a reminder of the value of empathy and going above and beyond to help those in need, even when they may not be human.