Choosing bridesmaids and groomsmen is one of the more difficult parts of wedding planning. However, one exceptional teacher came up with a novel and endearing solution. At Science and Technology Elementary School in Wichita, Kansas, fifth-grade teacher Alexandra Stamps asked her pupils to participate in her wedding as bridesmaids and groomsmen.

In order to include their students in their wedding festivities, Mason McDowell, Alexandra’s third-grade student and now-husband, wanted to do. They are important to me and I love them. My biggest fans, I want them to be up there with me,” Alexandra told the Wichita Eagle.

Alexandra recorded the poignant moment when she asked her students to be in her wedding party. On TikTok, she later posted the touching video, where it quickly gained popularity and received over 19 million views.

In the video, Alexandra addresses her class from a standing position while addressing each student by name. Will you guys be my junior bridesmaids in my wedding, Khloe, Mary, Reagan, Angelina, Esmeralda, Lucy, Lily, Bella, and Harley? she enquires. The girls exclaim “Yes!” loudly and enthusiastically.

The boys eagerly respond, “Yes!” as Alexandra asks, “Bryland, Max, Eric, Emilio, Kayden, Will, Conner, Jessie, Jose, and Sebastian – will you guys be my junior groomsmen?”.

Several of the students sobbed happily when they heard the question. We both genuinely love our students so much, and we spend more than forty hours a week with them, Alexandra said. Instead of just having them watch from the audience, she wanted to involve them in this special occasion.

Given the difficult year they had all had, Alexandra wanted to express her gratitude for their efforts. She said with pride, “They deserve to be up there with me because they not only survived the pandemic, but thrived in it. Watching them grow as people this school year.”.

Alexandra made sure to ask the students’ parents first to get permission for them to participate before formally asking them. She gave the boys colorful sunglasses as a token of her appreciation, and the girls faux pearl necklaces. She surprised the students by popping the question and giving them rainbow-striped lollipops.

The fact that she invited her students to her wedding not only made it an unforgettable occasion for Alexandra and Mason, but it also had an impact on the students going forward. It was a lovely expression of their teacher’s devotion, love, and appreciation for them, highlighting how significant they are in her life.

Looking at the picture, it seems to be a picture of Mason and Alexandra with their students, and they are all smiling broadly. This touching story about including the students in the wedding is beautifully illustrated by the joy and unity captured in this picture.