For those who don’t know, Carly was a contestant on season 19 of The Bachelor and later appeared on season 2 of Bachelor in Paradise. She reappeared on the third season of Bachelor in Paradise, where she met and married Evan Bass. The couple married in a televised wedding in 2017 and had two children, but divorced in December 2020. What happened to Kali Gaga in college?

Karlie didn’t compliment Gaga when she appeared on the latest episode of Jason Tartick’s Trade Secrets podcast. In the interview, Carly mentioned that she and Gaga were two of the students who left the program and that although she knew her at the time, “it was going to be Stefani”.

“I was not a fan,” Carly said of her former classmate. “This is why. I mean, she is so talented… Stefani, during lunch, she would play on the piano.

There’s a piano, because you would eat just in a dance studio, and she would sit at the piano every single day and just play and sing Wicked at the top of her lungs, every day. And we were all forced to listen to her. And yes, was she good? Of course. She’s great! But I just wanted to eat my sandwich.”

Gaga is acting like a typical musical theater student and Karlie should have found somewhere else to eat lunch away from the piano!

Gaga recently made a surprise appearance at a major rock band performance!