Beloved comedian and television personality, Howie Mandel, recently opened up about his personal battles with mental illness in a candid interview on “The Kelly Clarkson Show.” This raw and heartfelt conversation aimed to challenge the stigma surrounding mental health and shed light on Mandel’s own struggles.

Despite her cheerful and easy-going public persona, Mandel revealed that in private she often struggled under the weight of anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). These circumstances shaped his attitude and made him feel like an outsider from childhood.

At 65 years old, Mandel bravely admitted that his celebrity status has exacerbated his mental health challenges. He confessed, “I’m heavily medicated.” This admission surprised host Kelly Clarkson, highlighting the stark contrast between Mandel’s public image and his private reality.

For years, Mandel suffered in silence, fearing embarrassment to his family and worrying about his ability to work. But in 2006, she made the difficult decision to go public with her mental health journey. Even as she faced her fears, she recognized the importance of raising awareness of mental health issues.

Humor has been Mandel’s lifeline throughout his darkest moments, providing both coping mechanisms and connection. He shared, “My coping skill is finding the funny. If I’m not laughing, then I’m crying.” While comedy has been his saving grace, he acknowledges that it is an imperfect solution and that he needs to explore other avenues for healing.

The COVID-19 pandemic added an extra layer of stress for Mandel, amplifying his existing anxieties. The constant fear of the unknown weighed heavily on his mind. He revealed, “There isn’t a waking moment of my life when ‘we could die’ doesn’t come into my psyche.” The global turmoil served as a trigger, plunging him into what he described as “absolute hell.”

Despite his public image as a comedian, Mandel claims his battle with severe depression continues behind the scenes. He wants others to look beyond worldly observations and understand the gravity of his situation. Mandel communicated the pain associated with his own struggle, urging society to approach mental health with compassion rather than judgment.

Mandel’s decision to open up about her mental health journey aligns with her mission to end the stigma surrounding mental illness. She hopes that by sharing her story, it will spark understanding and empathy in others. Mandel admits the road ahead won’t be easy, but hopes that by shedding light on her struggles, she can help others find solace in the bright moments and escape the darkness. Through his honesty and openness, Howie Mandel has become an advocate for those quietly fighting similar battles. Her words serve as a reminder that mental health issues can affect anyone, no matter what they look like. Together, we can create a world where compassion wins in court and people like Mandel can find the support they need to thrive.