In the vast expanse of abandoned dogs on the streets, only the lucky ones find their way to new homes.

Often, dogs are abandoned due to lack of attention, lack of time and experience, or a drastic change in life circumstances. On the other hand, some dogs end up on the streets because their owners don’t know how to deal with the situation. As with Qwerty.

He was clearly a beloved dog, but due to his unusual short spine syndrome, his owners knew better than to break the heartbreaking news by taking him to a local shelter.

A road worker will come to help.

Qwerty Cosmo waited outside a shelter for workers to notice him, and when they did, they just couldn’t believe their eyes! He was left with a note, clearly written by a kid, that said: “I love my dog. Please don’t hit him. It’s a boy.”

The shelter staff immediately contacted Nikki, of Roadogs Rescue, from California, who helps dogs with rare conditions find their forever home. When she learned of Qwerty’s story, she was more than happy to take him in!

The dogs are usually cared for by RR volunteers, but Nikki decided to adopt Qwerty. He wanted to meet his loved one, understand his situation and bring him home. Qwerty was an immediately friendly dog. Despite his condition, he showed no signs of general weakness and had no other health problems. Although visually different, Qwerty had no trouble living up to it.

She embraced life with open arms, adjusted to other dogs, and loved every minute of her adoptive life!


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He likes to walk, run free on the beach and chase a ball with his brothers. Although he can’t climb onto the couch or run around all day without getting tired, Qwerty is completely content with his little life. And Nikki is excited that one day she will make her family very happy!

Just a few weeks after entering foster care, a wonderful family was born!

to a beautiful house

Photos of four similar dogs

An amazing family in Florida fell in love with Qwerty as soon as they saw it online. Julie and Scott had a female named Kuda who also suffered from short spine syndrome and they looked so much alike!

Sadly, Cuda crossed the rainbow bridge a few years ago, and the couple was grateful for the opportunity to adopt another dog in need.

sick dog

Qwerty has adapted to his new home as if he’s always been there! His new human and dog siblings helped him adjust to his new environment right away and he loves being part of the family.

“He will never be let go of again… He is ours now and forever. And to his former people: He is safe. Thank you for leaving him where you did instead of some remote area. Still, I wish you could have gotten help. Your dog was very, very lucky to be rescued. Not many are,” his new owners wrote.

Today, Qwerty lives the best life he could possibly imagine. He meets new people on a daily basis, plays with his siblings, has the ultimate way with cats and other dogs, and has the kindest heart for strangers!

His family keeps posting about his daily adventures on their official Instagram account. Once an abandoned boi whose future was unstable, Qwerty’s now the happiest short-spined dog in the world!