Losing your dog is one of the most heartbreaking things that can happen to anyone, but having someone steal your beloved furry companion is simply heartbreaking.

It’s different from the usual missing dog cases because you know there’s a good chance you’ll never see him again, and it’s just devastating.

In this story we will talk about a dog stolen from a family and disappeared for two years before anything changed.

Cali’s backstory

When Cali was first adopted by her family, she was living her best life. They loved everything about her and she got along with everyone. Everything was fine in the family, until one day something terrible happened. Someone stole Cali from the backyard of her house on Long Island and she disappeared.

The family was completely devastated and they tried their best to find her, but to no avail.

The situation was terrible.

Two years passed and suddenly a rescue organization called Broken Promises Sanctuary heard about a malnourished dog in need of help. It was Cali, but no one knew that at the time.

She was found at a random gas station in New Jersey and was barely moving. The people who worked there took good care of her until rescuers arrived.

A young Marine recruit, Alexandra Salomon, brought her to the Sanctuary of Broken Promises, where they worked tirelessly to save her life as she was very weak.

Very sad news

After a long and difficult process, she was finally out of the woods and could relax a little. The vets scanned her microchip and found one.

They tried contacting the owners, but it took some time because initially no one responded. After a while, Brittney diBartolo returned the call and they told her that they had found her dog.

She was delighted to hear this, so she and her family wanted to see her. However, she was too weak and the vets soon discovered that she had a tumor. This was absolutely terrible news, but there was no reason to give up hope. They were asked to create a GoFundMe page to cover the costs.

In June 2023, they managed to raise $8,000 and begin treatment. After a while, she felt a little better and was ready to see her family again.

And the reunion was something really nice. The whole family was so happy to have Cali back in their life.

But as fate would have it, his illness would get worse. She had a wonderful few months with her wonderful family before her body collapsed.

Cali has crossed the Rainbow Bridge and is now in a better place. Although her family will miss her, they will never forget the precious moments they shared.