As a former dog owner, I have to admit it was quite a struggle. It’s hard for me to give my German Shepherd the attention he deserves because it bothers me so much. However, I loved him very much and would do anything for him. It was very hard to take care of him, but I always came up with something. However, this is not always possible and can be difficult for some people to understand. Sometimes life pulls you to places you don’t want to go and a lot of bad things result. In this story we will talk about a sad dog who was brought to a shelter by his family and was almost euthanized before anyone could help him.

difficult situation

dog with toy

Smokey still had a family, but they gave him lots of stuffed animals to play with. It was a type of elephant that he particularly liked. He was never seen without it. He actually slept with her every night and woke up in the morning holding her close.

Smokey did very well, but his owners were struggling and had to downsize their home. The dog is sitting on the floor with a toy

Money was so tight that it was very difficult to feed Smokey well. Its owner realized it was no longer working. The situation worsens when the owner realizes that he is close to losing his house and must find someone to take care of Smokey.

They had to place him in a shelter and hope to find another family that would make him happy. The breakup almost completely broke Smokey. He was very nervous after being admitted to the shelter. He had no contact with anyone and spent most days in bed with his favorite doll.

The beginning of a new and better life

dog with toy on sofa

Shelter staff tried their best to find him, but to no avail. His story and photos caught the attention of a few people, but he didn’t pay much attention and stayed away.

It was bad because he started showing signs of aggression. This meant he was no longer adoptable and would soon be on his way to euthanasia. He was so aggressive with potential adopters that a euthanasia date was set so he could not be rehomed for a long time.

No one wanted that to happen, so they kept looking and finding other rescue organizations that could take care of him and do something to change him. Dog standing holding a cute toy

Fortunately, an organization called I Dream in Ohio contacted them and agreed to give him a home.

After some time, they found him in a nursing home where his fear and anger disappeared and his attitude could completely change. He was no longer depressed and was enjoying the game again, a good sign that he had recovered from his injury. Smokey still enjoyed the elephant rides. Although he was considered somewhat premature, a rescue group in Ohio adopted him and published his story to improve his chances.

Of course, after seeing his photo online, a kind family came forward and took Smokey to his forever home. There he was able to learn what it means to enjoy life again. She has been through a lot of trauma and needs someone to understand and take care of her.