They say that when you’re having a hard day, you always find true friends, and they’re right!

Rocky the scared puppy was stuck in concrete and dirt and was in desperate need of help, not knowing what he was going to get that day!

In the darkness of the hole he was trapped in, this cute puppy saw a friendly skunk approaching him and that was the moment he knew everything was going to be okay from now on!

This is how the story unfolds!

heroic rescue

A firefighter rescues a trapped dog
A family biking in South Carolina found Rocky screaming under the concrete. They were shocked to see the helpless puppy in pain and immediately called 9-1-1. The North Charleston Fire Department responded along with the police, but when they arrived on scene they realized the hole leading to Rocky was too small.

Running out of room to get them out, captain Paul Bryant had another idea!

He grabbed a shovel and started digging to get the terrified puppy out to safety. the fireman saved the dog
Source: North Charleston Fire Department
After digging for a few minutes, Bryant somehow managed to get close to Rocky, grabbed his front paws, and finally pulled him out!

No one exactly knew how long Rocky was in there, but when he came out, he started giving Bryant the cutest kisses ever, as if he was saying: “Thank you for saving me!”

“I Want Him, He’s My Dog”

Rocky was taken to Charleston Animal Society to get checked for his microchip, but as it turned out, he ended up being without one!

After he heard that the dog had no family whatsoever, Bryant did the most amazing thing ever! He went straight to the facility and applied for Rocky, as he was just head-over-heels in love with him from the moment he saw him!

“How can you not fall in love with him? You pull him out of the little rubble that he’s in and the first thing he does is kisses you on the face,” says Bryant.

Fortunately, a few days later, Bryant got a positive answer from the shelter and was about to take Rocky to his forever home – for the first time ever!

“I want him. He’s my dog. It’s meant to be. Luckily, about a week later, I get a phone call that says: -Okay, you’re on the list, you’re the number one! So I found out I was gonna be able to adopt him.”

Having The World’s Best Dad

Rocky was over the moon to see his savior once again! He did the exact same thing he did on the day of his rescue – only this time, he was kissing his furever hooman!

The two went to their home together, and to this day – they have a blast!

Rocky loves to spend time with his dad, play fetch, and enjoy long walks in nature… and even though he’s a big boi now, he has never stopped giving the cutest kisses to his best hooman in the world!

You can keep up with Rocky and Paul’s future adventures on his Instagram account.