Stray dogs live their lives hoping that someone will finally smile at them, give them a helping hand and lead them to safety.

It is sad to know that so many people ignore these homeless dogs as if they are invisible and undeserving of help and love. Despite the long wait, these stray dogs never lose hope of rescue.

They are waiting for good people to show them the kindness and compassion they have lacked for so long. Nico is one of those stray dogs who knows what it’s like to spend a cold day outside, and we hope he gets the help he so desperately needs. Alone and hungry, she looked back with a sad expression on her beautiful face.

A person who is good at raising dogs
stray dog

Fortunately, Stray Rescue in St. Louis, Missouri, came to his rescue. Donna Lochman, an experienced rescuer at a shelter in St. Louis has arrived.

He was heartbroken to see the dog sitting outside his house, staring at the road with sad eyes. He was so thin that all his ribs were visible.

As soon as Roman said hello, the dog’s face lit up. He immediately started walking towards her, wagging his tail, lowering his head. He seemed to know right away that he was there to help. Lohman discovered that the back legs were injured.

She hugged the cute dog and the dog melted in her arms. As he stroked her, she rested her head on his leg and felt someone showering her with kindness and love. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time. man petting a weak dog

The dog looked at Roman with beautiful, lively eyes full of gratitude. He knew there was no need to put a leash around his neck. The puppy, later named Nico New Beginnings, went with him and couldn’t wait to leave his miserable life on the streets.

Lohman took him to the jeep. The beautiful dog was very excited and wagging her tail.

She hugged him as he lay in the passenger seat. Nico finally felt safe and basked in the love of his savior. He was ready for freedom.

Nico got the love he had longed for.
A girl plays with a skinny dog

As soon as Nico arrived at the St. Louis, won the hearts of the entire shelter staff.

“He’s made all of us melt with those eyes that look into your soul,” the staff wrote on Facebook.

His shelter friends gave him a lot of love and cuddles. Nico was glad to be surrounded with loving humans. The lovely pooch felt comfortable and he knew that they would help him get better.

As soon as Nico is medically cleared, he will be ready to go to a foster home.

We look forward to seeing him gain weight and turn into a happy dog that enjoys life to the fullest. We have no doubt that Nico will soon steal the heart of his forever family who will love him infinitely. 

The delightful Missouri boi deserves all the happiness in the world.