One morning, a PetSmart employee in Monroe, North Carolina noticed something strange outside the parking lot.

A shopping cart had been left behind (this was a common occurrence), and what caught his attention was something rattling in the errant cart. Intrigued, he approached the cart and was excited to see what was inside.

He died after being left in a parking lot
Portrait of a dog lying on an abandoned cart

A frightened dog in a blue wagon cried for help. Someone shamelessly pushed this adorable dog into a PetSmart shopping cart with a hanging uterus.

The employee in question immediately took the poor dog to PetSmart and posted on a Facebook group asking for help. Chrissy Elder, founder of Forgotten Now Family Rescue, heard this story and was shocked by the lack of humanity. The next day he went to the vet and took care of the poor puppy and did everything he could to save his life.

“Monroe came into rescue and became family to us all quickly. The PetSmart team member was incredible and stayed here at CARE til I arrived. His heart was great,” Elder said.  

The dog – later named Monroe – desperately needed medical help. She was saved just in time. If she had stayed in that cart much longer, she probably wouldn’t have survived. 

“Monroe underwent uterus prolapse repair and then the vaginal tissue would not stay in, so she required vaginal reconstruction. This poor dog was used to heavy breed to the point her body was falling apart. Her days of being someone’s cash cow ended in that shopping cart,” the rescue wrote in their Instagram post.  

The 3-year-old Pitbull mix underwent some complex surgeries, but thanks to the rescue, the PetSmart employee, and many generous donators, Monroe survived and was recovering well.  

Astonishing Recovery

Monroe’s days of feeling scared and sick were finally over. “She is healed physically and emotionally,” the rescue wrote. 

The vets believe that she will not need any further care in the near future, and she should be able to live a very happy and healthy life. 

When she arrived at the shelter after her surgeries, Monroe had no clue how to play, but now she runs beside her friends happily and confidently. She loves other dogs and children, and wants to cuddle with everyone. 

“She’s never met anyone she didn’t fall in love with immediately. It blows my mind, since everyone failed her,” Elder told The Dodo. 

Even after everything she’d been through, she is still a very sweet and affectionate pup full of love for everyone. 

“Monroe thank you for keeping your faith in humanity when we didn’t deserve it. Thank you for showing your smile to the world even when it was dark for you,” Forgotten, Now Family Rescue wrote in their Facebook post. 

Take a look at Monroe’s incredible journey of survival: 

Monroe was sadly discarded like trash, but thankfully, her life took a turn for the better. She went from being forgotten to having a wonderful family. 

In October 2022, Monroe was adopted by an amazing local North Carolina resident, and she is finally able to enjoy a life of just being a happy little pup.