When a family found an abandoned and stressed dog on the side of the road and decided they couldn’t leave him alone, they decided to take him home.
But when they got home, they quickly realized it wasn’t a dog!
After realizing that the rescued dog was actually blue, they contacted a local nature center to care for the little fur ball.
Leave it to the experts
cute abandoned puppy
The wildlife center in question is Cape Wildlife Center (CWF) in Massachusetts, which confirmed on Facebook that it is indeed a baby coyote.
“With the help of the Mass Department of Public Health, we were able to determine there was no potential exposure risk to rabies, and were able to clear him for care and granted permission to rehab by Mass Wildlife,” read the post.
The post went quite viral, receiving hundreds of comments. Most of the commenters agreed that it was easy to mistake him for a little pupper considering that he was simply adorable.
One commenter even shared that she had a coyote and dog mix as a pet and that he was so loving that she wouldn’t have traded him for the world.
In Safe Hands
The wildlife center also stated that they are fostering another baby coyote and are excited for the two to meet.
As soon as both of them get their vaccinations, they will start their new life together, growing and learning natural behavior in the CWF’s large outdoor caging.
The CWF also stated that they will try their best to provide the coyotes with as much of a natural upbringing as possible, replicating the behaviors and skills young coyotes learn from their parents.
Know The Facts
It is important to know that coyotes are considered a Rabies Vector Species. This means that they are at greater risk of contracting the rabies virus.
This virus is fatal to all mammals, which includes humans.
If anybody from the family who found the coyote was scratched or bitten, the CWF would have been forced to euthanize the pup and test for rabies to find out if the human was in danger.
Final Word
Please remember if you do come across coyotes, or even foxes, skunks, raccoons, groundhogs, or bats, please observe from afar since all of these animals are Rabies Vector Species.
If you believe that they are hurt or orphaned, contact your local animal control or wildlife rehabilitation center. They are trained professionals and will know exactly what to do.
This baby coyote was sure lucky that he was found by somebody who knew what they were doing because he will be starting the best life a coyote can ask for!