Walking your dog is one of the most enjoyable activities you can do to bond with your furry friend. They like it, it’s nice to clear their head and get some fresh air. However, if your dog is not trained, walking can become a bit more difficult as the dog is constantly walking in front of you, pulling on the leash and causing problems for both of you.

This article presents four tips you can use to prevent your dog from pulling on the leash.

1. Start in a quiet environment

A dog walks with a woman on a leash in the park
First, it’s best to take your dog somewhere away from people. This is an important step to take. If your dog is disorganized, he will be constantly distracted and unable to focus on anything. This will reduce the dog’s stimulation and help him walk much better.

Walk your puppy around the neighborhood for a few weeks before taking him to a larger environment, such as a park.

2. Teach them to behave

Now that you know it’s best to start in a calm environment, it’s important to teach your dog how to behave. Our little furry pets can be a bit mischievous at times and it’s frustrating when your dog misbehaves all the time, so it’s important to deal with this problem.

Use your knowledge to decide what is appropriate and what is not. In this case, vigilance is needed.

For example, if you want him to follow you a little or sit to your right when you walk, train him to do what you want. Stick to this routine as it will help your dog remember how to behave faster.

3. Use dishes to anchor it.

woman gives a gift to the dog
If you’ve followed the tips so far, you can try this one too. Because I think this is the most important.

If your dog is not behaving well, it may be a good idea to treat him. If it’s summer, you can give your dog a treat to show him that good behavior is rewarded and bad behavior isn’t. This teaches him that misbehavior and aggressive leash pulling are not rewarded when he sees a car or dog.

  1. Don’t let him worry.

  2. A final tip is that it is important not to distract your dog during walks.

If he sees something interesting, like another dog or a car, and tries to push you in that direction, it’s important to stop him from doing so. The next step is to immediately pull it and go the other way.

Remember. It’s easy to distract your dog by pointing to something else. This technique can be useful when you encounter a noisy dog ​​or a noisy car that may irritate your friend. Why do I do this?
Before we talk about tips, let’s first understand why dogs like to behave like this.

When you walk your dog for the first time in a new environment, everything will be interesting for him. There are so many things they want to explore and see that their excitement can push them a little over the edge and pull the leash.

This can often happen if your dog is left loose and not properly leashed.


Note that these tips may not apply to all dogs as they are all different and should be treated accordingly, but they are definitely worth a try.

Next time you take your dog for a walk in the park, keep these tips in mind. This will save you headaches and help your dog behave properly.