Dogs are members of our precious family and we cannot imagine life without them. They are our true friends and the time we spend with them is the best part of our day. They deserve all the love in the world and we will do our best to make them happy.

Unfortunately, there are some heartless dog owners who don’t feel the same way about their dogs. They leave them on the streets without mercy.

Indigo was one of the dogs rejected by his master. It had only been a few days since he had lost his mother’s loving arms.

His cruel owners put him in a cardboard box and left him on the street overnight. The cute fur baby was crying and wanted to be with his mother. She was scared and missed her mother’s sweet hugs.

save precious lives

cute black puppy

The next morning, a good Samaritan found the fur baby. The woman was heartbroken to hear him cry. A newborn puppy needs its mother more than ever.

The woman contacted the local shelter and rescuers came to rescue the dog. He was placed in an orphanage.

Babies who are left alone all night feel tired and weak. His foster mother took care of the dog and fed him with a bottle.

She soon noticed that something was wrong with the dog’s eyes. It sounds like your child has cataracts.

Her foster mother was saddened to realize that the reason her owners separated her from her mother was because of her eye disease. It was very hard to pet the little puppy. All he wanted was to be with his mother. cute newborn black puppy

The fur baby’s caretaker became concerned when he saw the dog’s stomach go through. He consulted a doctor and prescribed the necessary medication. After taking the medicine, the dog felt better and fell asleep.

The puppy’s foster mother had a dog named Stephanie who took care of the puppy. He sat down next to the newborn and made sure the cats didn’t wake him. It warmed a woman’s heart to see her dog tending to her baby. Mother dog and her black puppy

Keep your baby warm by wrapping him in a blanket. He sighed in relief as he saw the dog’s stomach sink. A mother who has adopted a puppy feels at ease as she lovingly caresses her beautiful puppy.

Stephanie continued to take care of the little one, especially when the puppy was sleeping. He wanted to make sure he didn’t fall.

The chicks continue to grow

black puppy in a box

The woman put baby Indigo on him and gave him a toy to play with. The adorable dog loved playing with the toys and rolling around on the bed.

Over time, Indigo continued to thrive and grow. Within 20 days, he was able to feed himself.

Indigo’s foster mother was worried because the puppy had vision problems. He wasn’t sure if Indigo’s eyes would heal.

She took the dog to a specialist who said surgery wouldn’t help Indigo. He prescribed medication for the dog.

A woman is playing with a dog

Indigo’s foster mother brought her home and made sure she took her medication on time. She continued to care for and love her puppy.

When Indigo’s foster mother noticed that Indigo could see more clearly, she knew the medicine was working. He was over the moon.

Indigo felt safe and happy, enjoying all the love her foster mother gave her. He turned into a beautiful dog.

Thanks to the good Samaritan who found him and his foster mother who gave him the love and care he deserved.