Imagine suddenly hearing crying and moaning coming from somewhere. What would you do? If you’re a compassionate person, you’d likely investigate these sounds, sensing that someone might need help.

That’s precisely what happened to a woman named Selina when she heard distressing cries during her usual walk.

A Distress Call in the Riverbed

Selina’s peaceful walk was interrupted by an unfamiliar noise. Unsure of its origin, she followed the sound, guided by her instinct that something was amiss.

As the cries grew louder, her gaze fell upon a heartbreaking sight—a helpless creature by the riverbed.

An Alarming Discovery

The creature resembled a puppy, but its condition was dire. Skin and bones, with no fur to protect it, the poor soul appeared to be suffering greatly.

Selina wasted no time. She descended to the riverbed, scooped up the distressed puppy, and gently placed it in a bag to carry it to safety.

A Race Against Time

With the day drawing to a close and no veterinarians nearby, Selina faced a dilemma. She couldn’t leave the puppy unattended.

So, she made the decision to take it home, determined to provide whatever care she could offer.

A Miracle Unfolds

Though not an expert, Selina did everything in her power to alleviate the puppy’s suffering. Throughout the night, the puppy, a sweet little girl now named Jenny, cried in discomfort.

Selina, using coconut oil to soothe its skin, provided comfort and care during its most vulnerable hours.

Recovery and Transformation

After two days of intensive care, Jenny showed remarkable improvement. Her strength returned, and her demeanor brightened.

Selina’s nurturing touch worked wonders, aiding Jenny in overcoming the trials of her early life. Within a month, Jenny underwent a stunning transformation, shedding her former frailty to reveal a vibrant and healthy pup.


Jenny’s journey from the brink of despair to a life filled with hope and vitality is a testament to Selina’s compassion and dedication.

Through her tireless efforts, Selina not only saved Jenny but also transformed her into a beacon of resilience and joy. Jenny’s story serves as a reminder of the profound impact one person’s kindness can have on the life of a vulnerable creature.