The increasing number of stray dogs, commonly known as street dogs, is a major problem almost everywhere in the world. [1] As a huge dog lover, this fact makes me sad every time I think about it. But stories like the one I’m about to tell you make me believe that there is still hope for humanity. A dog’s purpose is to help us and improve our lives, but sometimes it’s our turn to respond in kind and do the same. The story of this adorable little dog found wandering the streets of India is sad and pathetic, but also full of meaning and hope. It’s proof that with a little love and sacrifice, we can all change the world. Introducing Dharma…a little pup who never stopped fighting for his life, even when there seemed to be no hope.

When he was first discovered, he was completely unable to move, and no one knew why. And the only question was: would he ever walk again?

saved at the last moment

Protecting a puppy with deformed legs

A kind man found Daruma on the roadside. He could have just walked by and left it there to probably die, but he knew this poor puppy deserved a chance to live.

“He was terrified, dirty, and screaming in pain.” 

The puppy was lying down helplessly, and was unable to move, and just by the look of his shape, it was clear that there was something wrong with him. Thankfully, this kind man rushed him to the animal shelter. 

When this little puppy was brought to RRSA India, they immediately saw that he was in terrible condition. His whole coat was full of fleas and covered in dirt and sand.  

The veterinarian examined him and found that Dharma was suffering from limb deformity. 

“He could not walk, so he would drag his little body from one place to another as the only way of moving himself.”

He was extremely weak, hungry, and in a lot of pain. This little puppy required immediate medical treatment as well as some physical exercise. 

He was transported to the hospital, but everyone was still wondering if he would make it. 

The Road To Recovery 

The amazing people that work at the shelter dedicated all their time and care to help Dharma. Even though he was extremely weak and unable to walk, Dharma never stopped fighting for his life. He never stopped trying to walk…

However, it was a long road to recovery. 

“He was a bit afraid of the water at first, but quickly got used to it… He might not be a special breed, but he deserved to be loved.”

Such a brave boy he was. Everyone at the rescue center loved little Dharma. They only wished for his full recovery. 

He started with his medical treatment, oral medications, supplements, and physical therapy two times a day. He still needed assistance with everything, which required a lot of dedication from his caregivers. But they never gave up on this little boy. 

Luckily, Dharma got the best crew in the world. All the people in the center were extremely devoted to helping this poor baby dog recover. And in a way, it was as if he somehow knew all that.

Day by day, he got stronger and healthier. After two weeks of therapy, Dharma was able to stand up by himself, but he still couldn’t walk. 

Daily treatment was still in full force, but no one could tell for sure whether this little street puppy would ever be able to walk… 

Miracles Do Happen 

It is quite hard to define what true miracles look like, but if I could use only two words to describe this poor puppy, it would be extreme bravery, and resilience.

It took a lot of care, love, and dedication from the people who work at the rescue center to save this beautiful soul, but without his courage and strength, none of this would have been possible. 

I’m so happy to say that after only four weeks of therapy, Dharma was able to walk again. He was a bit clumsy, like a baby who makes his first steps, but they were certainly big steps towards final recovery and a normal life. 

At that point, one thing was for sure — a miracle did indeed happen. 

“The road to recovery was long and painful, but surrounded by the right people who made him feel safe, Dharma managed to do what no one could even imagine at the beginning of this story.”

This story is a true example of how it only takes a little to make a difference in this world. It is also a testament to the hard work of rescue shelter workers who tirelessly help thousands of poor puppies each year. 

With a little bit of love, care, and dedication, we could transform the lives of many more puppies that desperately need our help. Let this story be an inspiration to all of us, both me and you. 

A huge thank-you to everyone who has helped Dharma in his journey to recovery, and thank you to Dharma as well. 

You taught us that we should never stop fighting and never lose our hope.