Unfortunately, there are cases where dogs are completely bad around the world. Fortunately, there are many excellent rescuers who are ready to do as much as possible to help such animals. Their heart is when Sabina, a small step life guard, and her colleagues who can’t understand very well, put their heads on a garbage bag, attached to the pole, and are very unknown to find a small food. CRASH was completely dropped.

When they approached the puppy, they were not afraid of them at all, they could not control their tears when they were poured into the rope and released them. But after picking her up and transporting her to where she would eventually be cared for, the two rescuers were relieved to know that the pup would never be so abused again.

finally safe

dog tied to a pillar

The puppy, now named Lisa, was in pretty bad shape and her rescuers knew there was no way she could get this bad in just a few days…she had been neglected for so long. I did.

“It was so cruel that somebody left her behind like this. They tied her up so she couldn’t run after them when they dumped her,” Sabine told The Dodo.

The rescuers immediately rushed Lisa to the vet clinic, where she was given a nose-to-tail checkup.

The vets determined that she was severely dehydrated, had mange, and even early stages of cancer.

The was put on an IV and kept at the vet clinic for around-the-clock observation.

Recovery Time

After only two days at the clinic, Lisa’s health was starting to improve.

“She had a bit more energy and was greeting us happily, wagging her tail. After five days Lisa was allowed to leave the clinic and came home to our safehouse,” she added.

Arriving at her new home, Lisa was a bit overwhelmed at first. Everybody treated her with so much love and care, and since she wasn’t used to it, she didn’t really know what to do with herself.

Luckily, it didn’t take her too long to figure out that this way of life was actually the proper one. Lisa’s mood started to improve with every passing day, showing everybody just how happy she was with the glow in her eyes.  

After spending just ten days in the shelter, this beautiful little pup completely came out of her shell. She gained a lot of weight, and her beautiful fur started to grow back.

Four weeks later, Lisa was cancer-free!

She was finally strong enough to play and hang out with other dogs.

“It was a bit overwhelming for her at first, but our pack is always very gentle with newcomers, and she was settling in with all so well. Lisa totally started to blossom and became a playful teenager with a gentle and loving nature,” said Sabine.

New Life

Looking and feeling like a brand-new dog, Lisa’s life completely changed.

She is now an energetic dog who loves hanging out with hoomans, having fun, and running around, especially on the beach.

She is also looking for a forever home!

Lisa is a small mixed breed who is approximately one year old. She is a little bit shy at first, but will open up as soon as she understands that she isn’t in danger.

“Lisa is a miracle dog, and she deserves the very best,” concluded Sabine.

If you, or somebody you know, are interested in adopting this sweet pup, please contact Little Steps Matter for more information.