When we see homeless or abandoned animals on the street, many people don’t think that they can feel pain and sadness like we can.

In fact, even if you know you need some help, it doesn’t take much, so you just carry on with your day as usual. But in this story, an amazing person who saw an abandoned dog contacted us to tell us that all it takes is a little kindness to change everything for him.

small acts of kindness

sad abandoned pity

When Charlene first meets a sad dog who lives in her small neighborhood, she immediately notices how sad and depressed he is. There was a look in her eyes that could break anyone’s heart, and Charlene wasn’t going to stand idly by.

Noticing her girlfriend, she took her food in her hands and tried to get closer to her to see if she would eat. She was very scared but not aggressive.

Now that she managed to enjoy a simple meal and a little kindness from her rescuer, Charlenne thought it would be best to take her to the car and into a shelter.

The first order of business was to take her to a veterinarian, which they did. After a checkup, she realized that there were a lot of problems.

Charlenne told The Dodo: “We got her back to our shelter and found out that her pelvis had been shattered. She couldn’t walk. We were concerned that maybe she was gonna be paralyzed.”

The dog was in so much pain, but she had her wonderful rescuer by her side at all times to make sure she would make an amazing recovery.

Willow’s Recovery Journey

After a while, it seemed like things were going better for this dog, now named Willow. She managed to walk a little after a few weeks and was making huge progress.

Even though she was very timid and shy, Willow became a lot more outgoing and playful as she got better.

As things were looking up, Charlenne had to find a foster family for her. And, while it was difficult at first, she did manage to find someone special.

She said: “People were a little hesitant because of her injuries and didn’t know what to expect. But this amazing couple stepped up to the plate and they fostered her.”

Her new fosters, Erica and Nate, absolutely adored Willow and helped with her healing a lot. She even managed the courage to go for her first swim, which helped in recovery as well.

As the clock was ticking, Nate realized that they just couldn’t give up on Willow. She was perfect for them and they wanted her to stay with them.

And, that was the final decision. Everyone at the shelter was happy to hear that they wanted to ado