Dogs can be very funny sometimes. They all have great personalities that play out in our daily lives. Sometimes, some of them have very interesting habits that most people would easily overlook, but that definitely brightens someone’s day.

In this story, we will talk about a cute Doberman who always reacts very funny when his back is scratched. It’s very interesting.

Very relaxing scratch

As mentioned before, habits structure our daily life and often improve it in many ways.

A funny dog ​​named Cowboy’s favorite pastime is waking up every morning and going to his mother and politely asking her to scratch his back. What’s so interesting about that? Usually nothing, as all dogs love to have their bellies scratched and rubbed from time to time. But what makes this letter stand out is the cowboy’s reaction upon receiving it. He smiles easily and is always very happy.

On other occasions, however, he brings any toy he can find and starts wiggling his butt to tell his owner that it’s time for his favorite routine.

Seeing his face when his mom is scratching his back always makes me laugh, and it’s small things like this that we really love about our furry friends.

His mom thought it would be a good idea to record it and post it on TikTok. It’s safe to say that the video got a lot of positive attention and reactions.

A Positive Response On TikTok

Normally, videos of dogs doing strange things on the internet can sometimes cause a bit of a hasty response from some people.

However, in the case of this video, people were delighted and amused by Cowboy’s funny routine and decided to comment on their own thoughts.

One commenter said: “My dobie would do that when I came home! I miss that girl everyday!

While it may seem a common thing among Dobermans, almost all dogs like back scratches every once in a while.

Another person posted: ”Waking up and finding you? That would be nice lol, my pain in the butt just rolls over and I am there lol. so sweet!

Okay, so not all of our furry friends are the same, but that’s okay. They more than make up for it by being our best friends all the time.

And lastly, one person simply said: “The cutest good morning!

I wholeheartedly agree with this assessment and believe that these funny little routines can be a cause for a lot of great memories and bonding time with our dogs.

In the end, the whole event brought a lot of people to share their own experiences with dogs who like back scratches. It’s really good to see how they unite us in such simple ways.


Look at his face 🥹❤️ #dogsoftiktok #dogsmile #doberman♬ Real Love Baby – Father John Misty