Some dogs have a hard time finding their forever homes. Dogs continue to be rejected or ignored simply because stress and anxiety have exploded in the kennel. What many people don’t realize is that stress comes from the wrong environment. Not their actions. Yet, when they finally reach a loving home, they become the best lovers in the world. Hogan, this is Exhibit A! This amazing kid from New Jersey spent over a year in prison, hoping someone would finally notice him. He was scared and barked a lot, but if he could actually talk he would say, “Help me, I’m worth it!”

Hogan’s story

Month after month, Hogan was ignored by potential adopters at the Monmouth County, New Jersey SPCA. He was never aggressive, but people continued to ignore him because he seemed broken.

“What most people don’t know is that these dogs are scared and frustrated, not aggressive or unloveable,” the MC SPCA team wrote on Facebook.

He was under a lot of stress living in the shelter and desperately needed someone to understand.

And finally, it happened! Ms. Hogan was selected to attend Lava Foster’s nursing program, where she met a wonderful family.

As soon as he moved into a large home and met the couple who decided to adopt him, he quickly became a different dog. It turns out that all this time he needed some love and a comfortable bed where he could relax without being distracted by loud noises.

The Perfect Adoption Failure

Thanksgiving 2023 was the moment Hogan’s adoptive parents realized their beloved son was up for adoption.

During that time, he just had to be close as he was very affectionate and completely clueless about her personal space.

Hogan was practically a shadow-dog; a total cuddle bug who adapted into his new environment amazingly. And, he definitely adapted to being his pawrents’ favorite child! He just loves being held in their arms or resting “on them.”

“Hogan loves his walks, playing with tennis balls, relaxing just about anywhere (but preferable next to or on top of his foster parents,” MC SPCA wrote.

After spending many nights in the little nursery, I was overjoyed to finally find what I had been looking for.

Hogan spends every moment of his life exploring new worlds, walking, going to the beach, accompanying his parents on excursions. He really enjoys participating in all kinds of activities.

Recently, the Monmouth County SPCA team posted a Thanksgiving photo of Hogan, showing his unbelievable transformation. 

“What a difference a year can make,” they wrote.

Once a sad, stressed out dog who desperately waited for someone to notice him, Hogan now enjoys his life to the fullest, wearing his pawdorable sweaters and taking on new adventures every day!