Our puppies are important members of our family and we can’t imagine life without them. They are our true friends and spending time with them is the best part of our day. They deserve all the love in the world and we will do our best to make them happy.

Unfortunately, there are some heartless dog owners who don’t treat their dogs the same. They brutally abandon them and leave them on the street.

Indigo was one of the puppies abandoned by his owner. She was just a few days old when she was taken from her mother’s loving arms.

Her cruel owner put her in her cardboard box and left her out on the street for the night. The adorable fur baby kept crying to be with his mother. She was scared and missed her mother’s gentle embrace.

Let’s save precious lives

The next morning, a good Samaritan found the little fur baby. The woman was heartbroken when she heard his cries. A newborn puppy needed its mother more than ever.

The woman contacted a local shelter, and a rescue team came to rescue the puppy. She was placed in foster care.

The baby felt tired and weak because she spent the whole night alone. The foster parents raised the dog with great care and fed it milk through a bottle.

She immediately noticed that something was wrong with the puppy’s eyes. The child appeared to have cataracts.

When her adoptive mother learned that her eye disease was the reason her owners took her away from her mother, she was saddened. It was very difficult to coddle a small puppy. All she wanted was to be with her mother.

The fur baby’s teacher became concerned when she saw that the puppy had diarrhea. She consulted her doctor and had him prescribe the medicine she needed. After taking the medicine, the puppy felt better and went to sleep.

The puppies’ foster parents had their own dog, Stephanie, who also cared for the puppies. He sat next to the newborn so the cat wouldn’t wake him up. A woman’s heart was warmed as she watched her dog take care of a small child.

She wrapped the girl in a blanket to keep her warm. She breathed a sigh of relief when she realized that her puppy’s diarrhea had stopped. As the puppy’s foster parents petted the adorable puppy, she felt a sense of calm.

Stephanie continued to care for the little one, especially while the puppy was sleeping. He wanted to keep her from falling.

puppies continue to grow

The woman named the baby “Indigo” and let her play with toys. The adorable dog was happily playing with toys and rolling around on the bed. Over time, Indigo continued to flourish and grow. At her 20th day of life, she was able to eat on her own. Indigo’s adoptive mother was worried that the pup might have trouble seeing. She wasn’t sure if Indigo’s eyes would heal. She took the dog to a specialist, who told her that Indigo’s surgery would not help. The puppy was prescribed medication.

Indigo’s adoptive mother took her home and made sure that she took her medication on time. She continued to treat and pet her pup well. Indigo’s adoptive mother notices that Indigo’s eyes are seeing more clearly and realizes that the medicine is working. She was in seventh heaven. Indigo absorbed all the love her adoptive mother gave her and felt safe and happy. She turned into a beautiful dog. We thank the Good Samaritan who found her and her adoptive mother who gave her the love and care she deserved.