It’s a real tragedy when a dog goes missing. It’s hard to imagine what families have to go through because of this. Most people don’t realize how common this is today. One moment the dog is with you, the next moment it’s no longer there. Most dogs often get distracted by something and simply don’t know their way home.

There’s not much you can do in this situation other than keep looking and keep hoping you’ll find it. In this story, we talk about an interesting case in which a family lost their dog, which had been missing for a long time.

It’s Been 16 Months

Bree’s parents, Susan and Marvin Lisi, weren’t expecting anything out of the ordinary when they took Bree to a groomer in Pennsylvania.

Everything went perfectly. However, when one of the employees opened the door to take the towels to the laundry room, the dog ran away.

Bree quickly ran out of the building. The owner, Susan, kept calling, but nothing changed.

They tried to track her down, but it was difficult to know where she was going at that point. The family began to despair.

Their dog ran away and could not be found. They looked everywhere, but in vain. Something has to be done.

So they contacted Shannon Cohen, who worked for a pet recovery company in central Pennsylvania, to see if they could help. She agreed and they searched for her for several months. Sometimes someone found Bree but couldn’t catch her. She was really scared of everyone she didn’t know, which is why she was always running away.

She finally has good news

Time passed and there were no more sightings. At this point, the owners began to lose hope, thinking that Bree had been attacked by a coyote or a hunter. But Shannon didn’t give up. She continued her search for Bree tirelessly, and her efforts paid off. After 16 months of searching, she finally found it. They lured her with her human trap and eventually she was safe. Bree was safe, so Shannon immediately called her owner. When Susan heard this, she was overjoyed and immediately went to check on the dog.

She had to spend several days at the veterinarian’s hospital until veterinarians made sure she was safe. However, she was then released and was finally able to meet her family. After the reunion, the family all went back to the old days. Susan realizes that Bree has not changed and that she is the same dog as before. They are very happy to have her back. This story teaches us to never lose hope, even when we find ourselves in difficult situations.