As much as we hope for all dogs to have a warm, safe home from birth, reality can be harsh. Bruno, an 8-year-old Pittie, embodied this reality.

His demeanor didn’t reflect the casual, carefree nature often associated with dogs. Found in a five by five foot enclosure outdoors, Bruno’s condition was dire. Paralyzed by fear, he struggled to move, let alone walk.

Rescue and Rehabilitation

The team at I Stand With My Pack discovered Bruno alongside another dog, Boris, in a factory’s rear cage. Barely able to move and missing teeth, Bruno required immediate attention.

They enlisted the help of Angela Adan, a California-based specialist in dog rehabilitation. Angela, tasked with guiding Bruno’s recovery, approached the challenge with patience and kindness. Initially, she had to carry him on a blanket, as his fear rendered him immobile.

Restoring Trust and Confidence

Angela’s approach was rooted in love and compassion. Slowly but steadily, Bruno began to respond. Over time, he showed signs of opening up—taking food from Angela’s hand, engaging in short walks, and allowing himself to be leashed. His transformation was gradual but profound, a testament to Angela’s dedication and Bruno’s resilience.

A Remarkable Transformation

After two months of intensive rehabilitation, Bruno experienced a breakthrough. During one of their walks, he approached Angela, seeking affection—a stark contrast to his initial apprehension.

Angela was overwhelmed with pride, recognizing the dog she knew existed beneath the layers of fear. Bruno’s progress was remarkable, a testament to his courage and Angela’s unwavering support.

Finding Forever Happiness

Bruno’s journey took a turn for the better when Carla and Geoff, a compassionate couple from California, crossed paths with him. Instantly smitten, they knew Bruno belonged with them. It was a heartwarming conclusion to Bruno’s tumultuous journey—a neglected dog now on the brink of a wonderful life.


Bruno’s story is one of survival, resilience, and the transformative power of love and compassion. Despite his challenging start, he emerged stronger, thanks to the dedication of his rescuers and the support of his new family. Bruno’s journey serves as a reminder of the enduring spirit of dogs and the difference compassion can make in their lives.