Can spiders really poop? That’s the question a confused mother asked on a Mrs. Hinch fan page on Facebook. She noticed some black droppings scattered around her house and couldn’t figure out what they were. She shared pictures of the strange specks on her skirting board and wall and asked for help identifying them.

Many people quickly came to her aid, with Mrs. Hinch enthusiasts confidently proclaiming that the marks were spider droppings. One person suggested using Dettox spray to clean it up, while another mentioned finding similar droppings on their window sill. Some even thought it could be fly droppings, but the consensus was that it was definitely spider poop.

According to experts on pests, spiders don’t actually leave solid droppings. Instead, their droppings are thick and liquid in consistency, similar to dark ink stains. These marks often appear on walls and surfaces. Spider feces are not solid; they look like dark stains or drips on walls and surfaces. The appearance of the droppings can vary among different spider species, which makes it difficult for an untrained eye to identify. Typically, spider poop accumulates in a specific location below their web, usually in corners with cobwebs on walls. Since spiders like dark and undisturbed places, their droppings can unexpectedly show up in various areas. The size of spider droppings is about the size of a pinhead, and they can be a monotone color, spanning shades of white, black, gray, or brown.

Although spider poop is not known to transmit any diseases, it’s still a good idea to handle it with caution as if it were potentially toxic. Studies have shown that pathogens ingested by spiders don’t usually pass on through their droppings. Nevertheless, it’s important to be careful and thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water after handling spider feces. Fresh droppings are easier to clean, while dried ones may require more effort and may leave behind yellow stains. Remember, cleaning up spider poop doesn’t get rid of the spiders responsible for it. To prevent the droppings from recurring, taking action against these creatures is necessary. Keeping a clean environment and removing any spider webs you come across is a good place to start. There are also products available to help with infestations, and professional pest control services are equipped to handle these situations