Introducing Jammy

From the moment Jammy set paw in Marin Humane, his irresistibly cute smile and delightful personality endeared him to everyone he met. Despite his chubby frame, Jammy’s charisma won hearts effortlessly, making him a beloved resident at the shelter.

A Weighty Issue

Jammy’s initial weight of 17.6 pounds raised concerns among the shelter staff, prompting them to address his health needs with care and diligence. Recognizing the importance of shedding excess pounds for his well-being, they embarked on a journey to help him achieve a healthier lifestyle.

Facing Health Challenges

Beyond his weight, Jammy confronted another hurdle – bladder stones. Despite the discomfort they caused, Jammy remained resilient, refusing to let his health issues dampen his spirits. His playful demeanor and charming quirks endeared him to all who crossed his path.

A Bright Future Ahead

Following surgery to remove the bladder stones, Jammy found solace in a nurturing foster home, where he thrived under loving care. As he continues to shed weight and regain strength, Jammy eagerly awaits the opportunity to find a forever family who will cherish him unconditionally.

The Perfect Companion

Jammy’s endearing qualities extend far beyond his adorable appearance. He’s an expert snuggler, a sun-loving explorer, and a vocal food critic with a penchant for lively mealtimes. With his affectionate nature and playful spirit, Jammy dreams of finding a home where he’ll be cherished as a cherished member of the family.

A Gentleman in Search of a Home

In Jammy, prospective adopters will find a loyal companion and devoted friend, ready to embark on countless adventures and share endless moments of joy. With his heart full of love and his spirit resilient, Jammy eagerly awaits the chance to become part of a loving family’s life.