Rescue from the Shelter

During a visit to a shelter in the middle of winter, this kind-hearted woman was heartbroken by the sight of a little canine family huddled in a corner of the kennel. The mother dog and her three puppies were trembling from the cold, and the mother was visibly anxious, unable to protect her babies adequately.

Determined to help, the woman took the puppies in her arms and carried them to her waiting car. She then coaxed the mother dog to follow, and soon, the entire family was on their way to safety.

On the Road to Recovery

Their first stop was the veterinary hospital for a thorough health check. Fortunately, the only health issue found was anaplasmosis, a tick-borne disease treatable with medication over two to four weeks. Once cleared, the woman brought the canine family to her home, providing them with a warm bed, food, and water.

A New Beginning

The mother dog was named Geumsoon, and the puppies were named Circle, Red, and Green. The puppies, just one month old, quickly adapted to their new environment, becoming cheerful, playful, and energetic.

Geumsoon, however, was initially wary of people, a likely consequence of past trauma and her time in the shelter. But with the love and care of her rescuer, she gradually began to heal. Over time, Geumsoon became comfortable enough to eat in front of people, a significant milestone in her recovery.

A Happy Ending

As the weeks passed, the puppies grew into healthy, beautiful young dogs. They no longer relied on their mother’s milk, signaling a new chapter in their lives. It wasn’t long before all three puppies found their forever homes.

Though Geumsoon remained with her rescuer, she was not sad. Her progress in overcoming her fears and her ability to eat comfortably in front of people were clear signs of her healing. Her rescuer was overjoyed to see the transformation.


Geumsoon and her puppies’ journey from a cold, neglected shelter to a warm, loving home is a testament to the impact of compassion and care. Thanks to the dedication of their rescuer, this canine family will never have to endure the harsh conditions of an unconditioned shelter again. They will always be warm around the heart, surrounded by people who truly love them.