Welcome to the world, Arlo! I know those hot summer days can be tough, especially for a young Labradoodle like you. But don’t worry, I’ve got some great tips to help you and your owner stay cool and comfortable. So, keep your ears perked and listen up!

1. Canine Sun Cream Is Essential

Did you know that sun cream isn’t just for humans? Dogs need it too! Your light-colored or short-coated friends are particularly at risk of getting sunburned. Even if your coat is a darker shade, it’s important to protect sensitive areas like your ears, nose, and belly. Make sure your owner applies a dog-safe sun cream whenever you head out into the sun. A sunburnt nose can hurt a lot, and we definitely want to avoid that!

2. Seek Out Shady Spots

Do you love spending time outside? That’s great, but make sure you find some shade. Hot summer days aren’t ideal for lounging in direct sunlight all day long. Find a nice shady spot in your backyard to relax, and remember to come inside after a while. Prolonged exposure to the sun can lead to heatstroke, which is very dangerous. It’s much safer and cooler to play outside in the early morning or late evening.

3. Reduce Your Exercise Routine

I know you’re full of energy, Arlo, but summer is not the time for intense exercise. Adjust your outdoor activities to the cooler parts of the day. Morning and evening walks are best, and keep them short. Avoid strenuous games and save them for cooler days. Overexerting yourself in the heat can lead to dehydration and overheating, which we definitely want to avoid.

4. Enjoy Water Play

Does your owner have a pool or a big backyard? If so, ask for some water playtime! A kiddy pool or sprinklers can be lots of fun and help you stay cool. Water activities are a great way to beat the heat without having to take a dreaded bath. Even if your owner usually doesn’t let you get too wet outside of bath time, they might make an exception for some refreshing fun in the sun.

5. Stay Hydrated

It’s crucial to drink plenty of water, Arlo. Make sure your water bowl is always filled with fresh, clean water. Dogs need about 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight each day, especially in hot weather. Let your owner know if you’re running low on water. Staying hydrated is key to preventing dehydration and keeping you healthy.

6. Cool Down on Damp Towels

This might sound a bit funny, but damp towels can be a lifesaver on hot days. Have your owner dampen some towels for you to lie on. This helps cool down your tummy and paw pads. It’s a simple but effective way to beat the heat, especially if your air conditioning isn’t working. Just remember to change the towels regularly to prevent bacterial growth.

Enjoy Your Summer, Arlo!

I hope these tips help you stay cool and comfortable during your first summer. Remember, it’s important to take it easy and stay safe in the heat. With a little help from your owner, you can enjoy all the fun summer has to offer without getting too hot. Until next time, stay cool, Arlo!