As dog owners, we cherish our furry companions and strive to provide them with love and security. Yet, a haunting question lingers: What happens to our dogs if we’re no longer there to care for them?

A Heartbreaking Reality

Recently, the owner of three senior Chihuahuas passed away, leaving his dogs in the care of his sister. Despite plans, the situation quickly spiraled out of control, and the dogs faced the grim possibility of euthanasia.

A Lifesaving Sanctuary

Cher Polvinale, founder of the House with a Heart Senior Pet Sanctuary, became their unexpected savior. Senior pet sanctuaries are rare, as they cater to dogs needing specialized care, often with multiple health issues.

A Critical Intervention

When contacted about Bella, Hudson, and Ciroc—ages 15, 13, and 13—Polvinale knew their plight was urgent. Their owner’s sister, overwhelmed by their care needs and her own challenges, couldn’t provide the necessary care or environment.

Medical Challenges

Each dog had significant health issues—enlarged hearts, dental disease, and more—that required immediate attention and care beyond what their temporary caregiver could manage.

A Race Against Time

Facing imminent euthanasia, the dogs’ fate changed dramatically when Polvinale intervened. Despite logistical challenges, their former caregiver made the difficult decision to surrender them to the sanctuary, ensuring they would receive the care they desperately needed.

Settling In with Love

Despite their health challenges, Bella, Hudson, and Ciroc quickly adapted to their new home at House with a Heart. Within days, they showed their sweet dispositions and began receiving the specialized care that will sustain them in their golden years.

Life in Sanctuary

At House with a Heart, the trio—mother and her two sons—are thriving. They receive ongoing medical care tailored to their needs, ensuring they enjoy the quality of life every senior dog deserves.

Supporting Their Journey

As a nonprofit dependent on donations, House with a Heart welcomes support to continue caring for dogs like Bella, Hudson, and Ciroc. Every contribution helps ensure these seniors live out their days with love and comfort.

A Hopeful Future

We celebrate Bella, Hudson, and Ciroc’s newfound sanctuary life, filled with love and dedicated care. May they continue to thrive and inspire others to consider the welfare of their beloved pets in all circumstances.