Eclipse was truly a legend in Seattle! Her unique routine of riding the bus alone to the doggy park made her a beloved local figure and a source of joy for many.

Here’s a brief recap of her story:

  • A Celebri-Dog: Eclipse, a black Mastador, became famous in Seattle for her independent spirit and daily bus rides. She was known for her quirky likes and dislikes, including her aversion to cats, certain people, and being watched while doing her business. On the flip side, she adored hugs, the color red, and her bus rides to the park.
  • The Independent Bus Rider: Eclipse’s story began when she decided to take matters into her own paws. After riding the D-line with her owner, she decided to ride alone when she grew impatient waiting for him. Her solo trips became a daily tradition, and she became a regular on the bus.
  • A Community Favorite: Eclipse wasn’t just a passenger; she became part of the bus community. Fellow riders took notice and looked forward to her daily visits. She often made new friends and was loved by all who met her.
  • Ecliptomaniacs: Eclipse had a fan club known as the Ecliptomaniacs, who celebrated her as a local icon. Her popularity even led to a music video created by the King County Department of Transportation, showcasing her joyful rides around Seattle.
  • A Sad Farewell: Eclipse passed away in 2022 due to old age and cancer. Her death marked the end of an era for her fans and the Seattle community.

Eclipse’s story is a heart warming reminder of how pets can touch lives and create lasting memories. I’m sure there are buses in doggy heaven where she’s continuing her joyful rides.