The artist Anthony Ciccone, Madonna’s older brother, passed away at age 66. Ciccone’s brother-in-law Joseph Henry announced the terrible news on Instagram on February 26. My brother-in-law Anthony Gerard Ciccone passed away last night, Henry wrote.

Anthony had a complex personality, and we occasionally disagreed as true brothers. Even so, I was more aware of how much I liked and understood him. While the family continues to reach across the table, the hardship passes. For now, I bid you goodbye, Brother Anthony. “.

Ciccone’s death’s cause is still a mystery. Ciccone, however, did not lead a simple life because he had a history of drug use and was homeless, as Henry’s remark suggests.

In 2011, Ciccone rebuked his well-known sister for failing to prevent him from spending an extended period without a home. According to Ciccone, Madonna doesn’t care whether he is dead or alive. She resides in a different reality. Neither she nor I ever had a romantic relationship. “.

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“We never developed romantic feelings for one another. Ciccone also made fun of his dad, saying that he would be “happy if I died of hypothermia so he wouldn’t have to worry about it any longer. “.

Madonna has not yet commented on Ciccone’s unexpected passing.

But, likely, Madonna and her brother did not get along.

Anthony Ciccone’s life differed significantly from Madonna’s, who achieved global fame through her singing career and accumulated an $850 million fortune.

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But lately, Ciccone has had trouble keeping his sobriety and locating long-term housing.

Although it is unknown when Ciccone’s issues first surfaced, it seems they got worse when he started working for his father’s winery.

The Daily Mail claims that Ciccone’s family fired him after learning he had been robbing the company of wine from its vats.

A year later, Ciccone spoke about his family and the city’s homelessness issues in an interview with The Michigan Messenger.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Ciccone claimed, “My family abandoned me while I was going through a difficult time. I haven’t explained a thousand times why my sister is a multi-billionaire, and I’m a street person.

Despite Ciccone’s earlier remarks, his family reportedly tried to enrol him in a rehabilitation centre in 2017, according to the Daily Mail. It’s unclear whether Ciccone was in a better place when he passed away or whether his rehab experience was fruitful. We sincerely hope so.