Anyone who has spent more than five minutes online understands how unpleasant it can be. Even though you can connect with fans of your favourite obscure band or find out anything you want to know at 3 a.m. on the internet, remaining anonymous on social media gives people power and sometimes leads them to say things they wouldn’t usually say.

To put it another way trolls frequently use social media because they have nothing better to do than harass people for their heinous amusement.

If you’re incredibly new to the web, you could think, “Sure, individuals savage on the web – yet they just savage individuals who merit it.” False. For a troll on the lookout, every target is flawed. Indeed, even darling entertainer and Parkinson’s campaigner Michael J. Fox owns up to experiencing broad savaging during a new appearance on The Graham Norton Show.

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Even though his son and daughter frequently assist him in managing his numerous social media accounts, Michael J. Fox still takes the time to respond to followers’ comments. Fox encounters trolls just like any famous person with a social media presence. He tries to ignore them most of the time.

The trolls get stronger when they are fed. In this way, the best procedure is to disregard them entirely. However, Fox is insistent on a single point. We shouldn’t be surprised if someone mocks Parkinson’s disease on Twitter, given the internet mess.

Fox says in his desired meeting, “to answer this person here and there.”

Yet, how would you answer a savage without stoking their fire? Sam Fox, Fox’s son, is an expert in troll management, which is good news for Fox. While managing a web jerk, toning it down would be best. Even though he didn’t know what “SMH” meant then, Fox’s child advised him to use it.

Shaking one’s head, or SMH is the universal sign of disappointment. It’s an affirmation, yet it says, “Amigo, that was so agonisingly moronic that I don’t have the foggiest idea how dumb it was.” It’s a challenge to reexamine your life decisions, which is definitively what this savage did.

The troll stepped forward and abandoned his act rather than doubling down. Fox reports that the rehabilitated troll replied, “This is the funniest thing I’ve ever read in my life; You are the internet king; I apologise for anything I said to you, etc.