Dogs are known to be very resourceful when they have something in mind. They have unwavering determination and I am amazed at what they can accomplish. It’s these little things that make them ideal companions for humans. However, not all of their actions are for our benefit. They sometimes enjoy playing with other animals and will do whatever they can to make friends with them.
This story tells about a dog who tried to dig a small tunnel under the fence to meet the neighbor’s dog.
Very smart dog

When this beautiful and adorable dog first saw her new dog behind the neighbor’s fence, I was so happy to see her.
Mom lifted him high enough that she could see the entire garden and his new friends. I’ve run into a small problem here. The dog was very impatient and wanted to get acquainted with his new neighbor as soon as possible. So he began making elaborate plans to reach out to him and get him a warm welcome.
He couldn’t see him well through the fence and couldn’t interact with him in any way, so he tried something that might be a little problematic.
Dig a small hole under the fence

He burrowed a little gap beneath the fence where he seem look through and indeed creep to the other side.
He welcomed him warmly and the neighbor’s canine was moreover truly energized to see a unused confront.
After assembly his unused companion, Buster, who had fair moved there from Cleveland, he was fair energized to have somebody he seem play with all the time.
The two of them would fair run around the yard and have so much fun together.

Their owners believe that this is the start of a wonderful friendship between the two of them.
If anything, this story is a great sign to all owners that dogs also need stimulation from other dogs they can play with.
Remember, they are social animals, about as much as we are, and it’s important for a lot of them to have friends.