It is well known that dogs have an excellent sense of smell and an uncanny ability to detect scents, especially those of their loved ones.
But can dogs recognize their owner’s scent even if they are separated from their owners for a while? Well, this heartwarming story proves that love knows no distance or time, even between a dog and its human friend.
Power of smell

Valeria Navarro and her Belgian Malinois named Harley have always had an incredible bond. From the moment her family adopted him almost seven years ago, she fell in love with this dog.
Luckily, Harley seemed to love Valeria just as much, if not even more.
“He’s the love of my life! We have such a connection. He’s literally the thing I love most in the world,” Valeria told The Dodo.
For a couple of years, the pair spent almost every single day together.
However, sadly, due to life circumstances, the two had to separate for a little while. It was the first time they had spent such a prolonged time apart.
She couldn’t go one day without thinking about her furry friend at home.

Valeria moved abroad to find work, and finally got the chance to visit Hurley six months later.
She wanted to surprise him, so she came up with a brilliant plan. While her family took Harley for a walk at a local park, Valeria sat on a park bench with her sweatshirt pulled over her head.
She also had her back to me so I couldn’t tell it was her just by looking at her. After six months apart, will Harley be able to recognize his scent?
Reuniting With His Best Friend
It certainly didn’t take long for Harley to recognize Valeria.
In fact, it took just one whiff, and he immediately jumped into her lap.
“He recognized me! I was so happy. My heart exploded. He was so excited, and it was amazing,” Valeria told The Dodo.
Watch how the surprise unfolded:
“We’re like soul mates. When we’re together, we both feel better,” Valeria said.
You can tell just how much they love each other just by looking at the video.
After experiencing this kind of happiness once again, Navarro decided to put her plans of moving abroad to a halt… at least for now.
Hopefully, one day, Harley can go with her.