Every dog ​​deserves endless love and affection every day. This is what they need to be completely happy. Unfortunately, innocent puppies sometimes fall into the hands of cruel people, filling their tender hearts with fear.

The next story is about Homer. This is a sick and scared dog that was abused and abandoned by a ruthless owner. They showed no sympathy and abandoned him, leaving him in the middle of the road when he needed help the most.

Little did Homer know that once he began to give up on himself, his life would change in ways he could never have imagined.

Homer’s sad eyes

Dog rescuer Aaron Hughes came to find the dog sick and in distress in the middle of a busy road near a gas station. The dog’s blank expression broke her heart. He seems to have given up hope of salvation.

Dogo’s condition was very bad and urgent help was needed. He had almost no hair on his injured body.

Rescuers took the puppy to a veterinary hospital with the help of dog catchers. Unfortunately, the vet discovered that the dog had cancer. At the time, no one knew if Doggo could make it. Hughes reassured the puppy that he was no longer alone and that he would help him win this battle. The dog started chemotherapy.

Knowing that Homer is no longer alone

Homer stayed at the hospital and Hughes visited him often, but the dog still seemed depressed.

Hughes realized that Homer would have to get used to human contact because he flinched whenever anyone tried to get too close to him. It was clear that the puppy had been abused.

Hughes slowly began to collaborate with Homer. At first, he sat in front of us and tried to gain his trust and approach him. It made her happy. When he saw that Homer was willing to do this, he sat with him in the cage and began to talk.

He hoped that one day he would be able to see a spark of hope and joy in Homer’s sad eyes. A week later, Hughes petted the dog for the first time. The puppy felt the gentle touch of a human hand.

“And that’s all he really wanted. He wanted me to stroke him all along, and I could see his eyes change when all these little wins were happening,” Hughes said.

After seeing Homer hugged, Hughes hoped that Homer’s emotional wounds would heal.

The dog began to trust Hughes. He was glad that someone cared and was fighting for his recovery.

The dog realized that he was not alone in this world.

Homer wags his tail for the first time

After a few weeks, the puppy started to wag its tail. It was something I had never done before.

“That was really a big moment for me because up until then, his tail was kind of down all the time. He didn’t really know how to enjoy life. And going each day, I think Homer really found that there was somebody who cared about him, and he was able to come out of his shell,” Hughes said.

Hughes’ love and support chased all of Homer’s fears away.

After a few months, Homer was like any other dog. The vet gave Hughes the best news. Homer didn’t have cancer. The chemotherapy had an effect on the dog. Hughes ran to the dog and told him it would be okay.

Hughes was happy to see Homer’s eyes shining with hope and love. The wound healed and fluffy white fur began to grow and cover the body.

his dream life

Hughes’ friend Nungky followed Homer’s story on Hughes’ Instagram account. He is impressed by the dog’s story and offers him a foster home. She showered him with love and hugs and the puppy was so happy. Nungki fell in love with her and decided to give her a permanent home.

Homer can’t stop smiling and wagging his tail. He loves his mother and loves to sit on her lap.

“I love seeing Homer in Nungki’s arms and him looking at her with complete trust, knowing that he’s completely safe now. And he just sits like this on her lap. He loves it. I’m just so happy how far he came and the change that I saw in his eyes from day one to today,” Hughes said.

We are so glad that Homer overcame all the obstacles that came his way.

The love that Hughes and Nungki gave him changed his life forever. A once abandoned and neglected puppy is living his best life today.