Lord Leo, an 8-year-old Pomeranian from New York, has become something of a celebrity in the Big Apple.

Leo loves daily walks, but he will probably get bored quickly. Because of this, the dog soon became known as “Lord Leo, the Lazy Pom.”

Lazy dog

Now, you may be wondering: Why did this lazy dog ​​become a celebrity? Let me explain.

Every time Sir Leo takes a daily walk with his parents Jess and Nick, he does something special. When he gets too tired, he will lie on his back, raise his front legs and refuse to continue.

“When Lord Leo doesn’t feel like walking, his legs lock up and down he goes. I kind of view him as a toddler having a meltdown,” said Jess.

Jess also added that she has a very hard time getting Leo back on his feet again. He simply wants to lie down and have a little break – and some attention.

The reactions of people who see Leo on the street vary tremendously. Sometimes people get very concerned because he is very dedicated to his craft… But then it’s really fun to see people get a kick out of it and smile.

Whoever passes this lazy little dog on the street can’t help but wonder what is going on.

I like to say that Leo’s batteries get recharged with belly rubs. Belly rubs are encouraged and recommended.

Doing The Leo

Leo’s parents were so fascinated with this little activity their dog does that they had to give it a name: ‘The Leo’.

He would do ‘The Leo’ for hours if he was given the opportunity.

Jess and Nick do try to wait and let Leo do The Leo, but sometimes they have to pull out the secret weapon – a treat.

‘Do you want a treat?’ will get Leo up from 

Leo simply isn’t a typical energetic dog. He doesn’t like toys or playing with other dogs – he just likes to lie down and relax, putting in minimal effort.

However, if somebody mentions Starbucks, his energy level goes through the roof and he is up on his paws, ready to go and get himself a treat.

Leo has an obsession with Starbucks because Starbucks has those pup cups.

As soon as they get to the store, Leo knows exactly what to do – he gets in line and waits for his order to be ready.

Despite his little efforts to avoid walking, his parents make sure he gets his daily physical activity, knowing how important it is to his overall health.

But, they still let him do his little trick, showing everybody just how adorable he is.